The Gypsy Rose

Land Ho

The sun shone on the island of Genivia. The sky was cloudless and the ocean a bright cobalt blue. Ellie’s sandals slipped and her sea foam green tunic flowed around her legs where it hit just barley above her knees as she raced down the ivory sand beach. Her mane of thick ebony ringlets cascaded down her back and her peacock blue eyes where set in determination. She ducked behind and outcropping of rocks, out of sight of the ship that had landed there only hours before.
Her father had told her to stay away from the ship, warning her about the dangers of the Hittite sailors, how they had raped the women and slaughtered the men of other islands.
“They cant be that bad.” She thought to herself, as she watched in awe at the men scampering around the ship, throwing down ropes securing the ship to the white sands. Even with her father’s warning Ellie found no reason to fear the sailors. She had been trained to fight sense she was young, and could shoot an arrow, and engage in a sword fight just as well as any man in her father’s army. That was any man except for her father and her older brother. On top of that she could ride horses and throw a dagger with precise accuracy. She had spent years studying human behavior and could predict her opponent’s next move. Much to her father dismay she hadn’t spent much time refining her “lady like” talents. Many times her father had stood there watching his daughter sparing with her brother, shaking his head and muttering to himself “What a waste that she was born a woman.”
A howl broke through the calm serenity as a giant wolf loped across the sand towards Ellie. Birds squawked and flew out of the trees lining the edge of the beach in a panic.
“Sir do you see that?” shouted a voice from the ship.
“Kill it.” Commanded an answering voice.
The over grown wolf came to a skidding halt at Ellie’s feet, and panted, though it was barley worn out from its run across the sands.
“Nice work Xander,” Hissed Ellie,” now you’re gunna get us both killed.”
Xander was Ellie’s pet tundra wolf. She had convinced her father not to kill him the last time sailors had tried to land on the island, leaving him behind. He had been just a pup then, and had now grown to seven feet long and five foot three inches and a quarter tall. He was easily the size of a small horse and just as strong.
Ellie peeked over the top of the rock she was hiding behind. Three sailors where running towards then, armed with swards, and what looked like bows and arrows. She ducked back down and turning to Xander ask, “You ready boy?” He whimpered in response as she slid onto his back
“Take me home boy,” she whispered in to his ear as he shot across the sands, her fingers twisted into his thick silvery coat, keeping her from sliding off his back.
The sailors watched in astonishment as the large wolf shot out from behind the outcropping of rocks with a girl on its back. One of the sailors raised his bow and arow; about to shoot the girl and her wolf, when a voice commanded, “Stop.”
The sailor turned, confused as to why not to shoot the girl.
“Pardon me prince Ashton, but why should I not shoot the savage girl?” questioned the sailor
“Well,” answered the prince, pointing to the girl, who was quickly receding across the beach. “If you look at her jewelry and clothing you can see that that girl is no savage, which leads one to believe that there is some civilization on this island, and this island might be much larger then we expected. Let us find where she is from, and see if they a worth trading with. Then you may shoot the girl.”
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ok so i had a dream about something similar to this and was like daymmm i need to writ about this! hope ya likes what my subconscious self thinks of!!
Comments cuz silent readers make me sad :D
Peace out girl scouts ;D
Ellie's outfit
-CC <3