‹ Prequel: You Can Be My Simba
Status: Updated: 26.4.11

A Smiling Stranger


I looked at the clock. Eight in the evening. Casper left this morning to see her... Why is he taking so long. I haven't been able to concentrate all day, my mind keeps wondering to what is going to happen when he gets back. I tapped my fingers against the kitchen table and watched the water in my glass ripple with the movement. Daphne and Maisy had left around two so they could go buy some dresses for this weekend and I, of course wasn't invited, instead i have spent the day thinking about Casper. Every memory keeps flooding back and i'm finding it harder to hold back from just attacking him and smothering him in kisses. I know it sounds cliché but you don't understand, it's like they say, you never forget your first crush.

I'm about to pick up my water when i hear the front door open. My heart immediately races and I stand up. My hands are clammy and I watch as Casper walks into the kitchen. He places his I-pod in his pocket and stares at me, a disapointed look gracing his features.

"We need to talk," His tone is quiet as he takes a seat at the kitchen table and looks down at his hands. I hesitate before sliding into the seat opposite him. My heart starts racing as he looks up at me. His eyes are lost and vunerable and I can't help but stare.

"Why didn't you write?" I don't reply, instead i just shake my head and try looking away from him. "France, why didn't you write?"

"What are you talking..." His hand slamming down on the table stops me mid-sentence,

"Stop it! Stop doing this!" he shouts. I look up at him and see his face reddening. "Why won't you just listen to me? Just answer my question?" I can't do it, i can't lose myself to him again. I can't leave Daphne -the first one I loved since I left- He needs to move on. Holding back the tears I stand from my seat and walk out the kitchen, leaving him alone with his anger. Quickly I walk into the bathroom and lock the door, hoping this way he will leave me alone.

The tears come. Hard and fast as I sit on the edge of the bath. I grab a piece of tissue and try drying my dampened face, but more tears keep rolling down my cheeks.

I don't want to love him, I can't. I need him to understand this. I have Daphne and I love her. I love her so much that the thought of even telling her I lied about knowing Casper pulls at my heart. She means the world to me.
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All I can say is I ask you to read this. Thank you x