Status: finished



Cody looked up when he heard the door that led back inside open and shut before looking back to the night’s sky. He smiled to himself when he saw Shaun out of the corner of his eye. The other boy moved closer to where Cody was lying and sat next to his head, his legs crossed.

“What are you doing?” Shaun asked his voice low.

“Watching the stars,” Cody answered, tilting his head to look at Shaun again. “Join me?” he asked, amusement twinkling in his green eyes.

“I’m out here aren’t I?” Shaun asked reaching a hand out and soothing it through Cody’s hair.

Cody shook his head smiling, “lie down and do it properly.” When Shaun didn’t move he rolled his eyes and tugged the back of his hoodie, making the other boy lie next to him and uncross his legs. Shaun wiggled around for a few moments until he was at the same height with Cody.

The pair of them lay in the grass for a few minutes in silence before Shaun whispered, “you know I have no idea what I’m looking at right?”

Cody chuckled and shifted closer to the brown eyed boy lying next to him. “Well that one there is Pegasus, the winged horse.” He said pointing to a cluster of stars in the sky.

“I still don’t know what I’m looking at,” Shaun said and laughed quietly to himself at the look on Cody’s face.

Cody rolled his eyes and picked up Shaun’s hand. He pointed it in the right direction and said; “can you see what you’re looking at now?”

Shaun nodded, “I think so anyway. Is it the one that looks like a box with legs and a head coming off of it?”

Cody smiled and nodded, “yeah. And just next to him is Equuleus the foal.”

The two boys laid in silence for a few minutes more before Shaun sighed loudly and rolled onto his side to look at Cody. “I’m sorry about earlier,” he whispered. “I shouldn’t have said what I said.”

“It’s okay,” Cody said quietly twisting his head long enough to send a small smile at Shaun.

Shaun shook his head as best as he could lying on his side. “No it’s not. Just cause I was in a bad mood doesn’t give me the right to say what I did. I hurt you,” when Cody opened his mouth to protest Shaun quickly placed his palm over his mouth. “Don’t try and say I didn’t, I saw your face, I know I hurt you. And I’m so sorry.”

Cody gently pulled Shaun’s hand away, “its fine. I know you only said it cause you were angry, and yeah it hurt, but only for a minute. Besides you could always make it up to me.” He added with a small smirk.

Shaun laughed quietly, “and how do you think I should do that?” he whispered as he moved so he could nuzzle into the other boys neck.

Cody let out a noise of contentment as he pushed his hand up the back of Shaun’s shirt to stroke his warm skin. “Just this,” he murmured softly and shuffled closer to Shaun, ignoring the fact that he had probably just put grass stains along the back of his shirt. He could feel Shaun press a kiss to his shoulder before smiling.

They both looked back to the stars above them, Cody occasionally pointing one out to Shaun, in between lazy kisses.