Just that One Click can change Everything

Chapter 12

I was back at my house. I looked good. I was fine. Mom wasn’t mom yet, so I could just clean up. But before I went to the bathroom, I heard my phone ring. I ran to it. It was Ashley. I opened the text and it said:

hey em go look lifebook and see the picture that is posted 

Somehow I got scared. I ran to the computer and logged in for lifebook.com. I saw newest update. I clicked it. And I couldn’t believe my eyes. I saw me, josh and Ashley and Trina smiling in the picture. They took the picture. I couldn’t believe it. I started crying. I wanted to scream. I looked at the views. Already 1,000 people saw it. That’s like my whole school. My phone started ringing again. It was Rana.

omg em! Go on lifebook! There is a bad picture of you up! Omg what happened!! If you want to talk about it come over!! I am inviting our group

I left a note for my mom. I ran down the street to Rana’s house. I was still crying. Rana was at the door. She pulled me close and hugged me. I was shaking. I was scared. I was nervous. I was mad.

“Listen everything is ok. I will try to delete the picture. It’s ok. I understand.”

“No its not! That is so embarrassing! Did you see Ashley’s, Trina, and Josh’s face in the picture! They all set me up!”

Violet was storming here.

“Give me Ashley’s number now!”

I gave her my phone. All I wanted to do was crawl into a ball and live in a cave and stay there. I didn’t want to go to school on Monday that would be the last thing I will do. I couldn’t go to school on Monday. I am scared. What will people think of me?

I was distracted by a car horn. It was Ashley.

“Have a good life loser!” she screamed.

And then I saw Bailey chasing the car, and the Katie throwing rocks at the car. But then Ashley backed up, but thank goodness it didn’t hit them, because if it hit them, then Ashley would only have that 3 minutes to live.