Just that One Click can change Everything

Chapter 18

It was visiting hours. The first one that came was Bailey. Of course Bailey. She is always on time everywhere she goes.

"Em!! How are you?!"

"Hey Bailey. I'm fine, I feel better now."

"Do you remember what happened?"

"Yea I remember everything now, but lets just wait till the others come, so I don't have to repeat it a million times."

"Okay. Well I brought you some flowers, and a card. I'll put it here. I'll come everyday, and bring more flowers."

"Thanks, Bail, but you really don't have to."

"Its alright."

I just look at Bailey. I never really noticed how pretty she really is. Her face was so clean and clear,her hair was healthy. Why doesn't she have a boyfriend?.

I heard whispering going on outside of the room. I'm guessing Katie and Rana are here.

"EMMA!!!!!!" they both screamed.

"Hey Kat and Ran."

"Are you OK?How do you feel?' they both said at the same time.

Violet came in, with the biggest bear ever. I couldn't believe my eyes at first. Cause Violet isn't like that.

"Um, my mom said here."

"Thanks Violet" i smirked at her.

"Okay guys, ssh, so we can hear what happened to Emma" Bailey said.

They all sat around my bed, Looking at me, how a puppy looks at you wanting your food. At this moment, I was happy I was there.