Just that One Click can change Everything

Chapter 19

Once I finished telling them from what I remember, they look at me like I was making something up. There was no possible way of that happening, on a beach. But they believed me, every word.

Bailey started crying. Bailey was always the sensitive one. She feels for her friends. Katie sat there. No emotion on her face. She was gone. I knew what she was doing. Katie was imagining what it was like. She always dreams, and imagines. Violet was in the corner, the dark corner. She was mad, ready to go and hurt someone. And then there was Rana. Sitting on the little chair in the corner looking at the window. Her face was guilt. And then there was me. Emma. Looking at my best friends. I was happy with the friends I have.

"I feel like its my fault" Rana broke the silence.

"Its not. I just felt like going there, thinking nothing would of happen. Why would you think that Its your fault?"

"Because I am the protective, leader in this group. I am always there for each one of you. Making sure your safe no matter what. And I wasn't there. If I was there, you wouldn't be sitting here, with a broken skull and leg. You would be with us at the park,laughing and running, and just there."

"Its not your fault. Don't you ever think that. Maybe this is a good thing that it happened to me."

"WHAT!" Bailey said starting to cry.

"Because now I know, that the girl that I said was my best friend, ended up being my best enemy. And made me realize that my true friends are the ones sitting in this room. And the only things I need in my life right now, is knowing I have four different kinds of friends that i can go to anything and knowing they will never judge me."