Just that One Click can change Everything

Chapter 2

Last period. Tired. Hot. I want to go home to take a shower. Once I thought that the day was going fine, the paper ball ruined it. I was going to turn around to see who through it. But when I saw the pink ink I knew who it was right away. Ashley. My ex best friend. I decided to ignore it.

“Em read it” Ashley whispered.

I picked up the paper ball. And opened it. It said

Dear Em
It’s been awhile since I talked to you. But I think we should hang out one day. Maybe Friday come to my house. I have a party. And we can have the same fun like we always did
Love ash 

I had to go. I needed to go. I could get me old life back. Popular. I can’t wait till Friday. I couldn’t wait tell my friends!

I was walking home, and then my phone buzzed. It was Ashley. I looked at it and it said:


I replied back. I couldn’t believe that she wanted to be friends again. I was so happy. I couldn’t wait till Ashley meets my new friends. She will like them too. I couldn’t wait for the good times we had. Especially maybe my boyfriend and I could get back together. I couldn’t wait.