
Chapter 1

As Jacob lay quite still in the darkness, listening to the silent beating of his heart, he knew that he couldn’t go back; he couldn’t face her again and cower over what he had done…

* * *

Dude…what is with you?! I mean whty do you keep doing this to yourself?
Get out of my head Paul!
Okay, okay, okay! Just please come back mate, we all miss you…

If there was one thing that bothered Jacob the most, it was that his brothers could hear his every thought, but he couldn’t morph back. Not now, not ever.

It must have been hours just laying there listening to the rain, but he didn’t care.
The one thing that mattered to him most was gone forever, so what was the point? He wasn’t the first to choose this form over another.

As the rain trickled down his shaggy fur, he realized, for the first time how cold he was, he had been in ten feet of snow in no shirt, just pants and yet, he had never felt the cold…not in a long time.

What’s happening to me? How can this be? It had only been six months ago that I was shielding Bella from the storm…

Thoughts came flooding back, thought of how it had been, the days when they took the bikes out, the days just sitting there in the Rabbit talking, talking about nothing. But that was over and he couldn’t go back, he couldn’t face Billy.

“Wow Bella, you look dazzling,” Billy said looking at her in her gorgeous white dress.

“Do you really think so?”

“Of course I do. You’re a beautiful girl, I’m just sorry that Jacob couldn’t be here to see this, he had to go visit he aunt up in Port Angeles, lied Billy discreetly.

“Oh, well that’s okay, I understand how busy he is these days-” I guess he had better things to do...

“- oh! He did come, but he got caught up in traffic...”

I can’t even think of the things that Dad would have to say to her...
Jacob wanted to be there for her, but he couldn’t face defeat, and say that he had lost. He couldn’t wear that façade anymore. He’d worn it for so long, he almost forgot who he really was.

* * *

I’ll always remember that day, the day I got sick. The day my life changed forever. We thought it was mono, but it wasn’t. I thought it was a disease, but it wasn’t. It was a transformation, a transformation for the greater good, but who cares about the greater good? I sure didn’t. Not now anyway, what was the point? She’s becoming one of them, the reason I was put in the earth; to kill them. She was now my enemy, my target.

Here there are no angels of despair.
Arrayed in choirs, they sing only of joy,
Dear hints of bliss... no evil can destroy.

This would run through my head all day, and I didn’t know why…did I love her that much? Was she really the reason why I was laying here just waiting for death to come and carry me away on its shoulders?
You really had to wonder.

“Edward…I-I-I ..” Bella stuttered as she tried to find the right words.

“What is it, love?”

“You look…wow..”

“I can’t even begin to describe what you look like in that dress, you look absolutely…ravishing!” Edward smiled his gorgeous crooked smile.I wonder what Jacobs up to now…oh why is he in my head on a day like this?!

“Bella, are you okay? You look terribly pale.”

“Yes. I’m fine, I guess I’m just worries about what Alice might have planed for me afterwards...” Bella lied.

“Ha-ha, there’s no need to worry about that, for she wont be disturbing us tonight…” Bella blushed a very pale shade of rose pink.

* * *

Jacob climbs the ladder of his dreams,
A person doomed to fail, yet bound to win.

I’m really very sorry to gatecrash your party like this Jacob, but Why can't you get over it already - he won, you lost; captain obvious. I can’t take it any more, having to listen you all the time, I want my privacy too you know.

Yes Leah, that’s what your room is for. And yes I do realise that, but I just need time to heal. You have no idea what its like to be me.

Oh yeah?! Well YOU have no Idea what its like for your one and only love to ditch you for your cousin, and have to listen to his thoughts and how he loves her so every freaking day!

For the rest of that day, Jacob lay there thinking about what Leah had just mentioned. He realised that they were going through the same thing, although Edward could hear His thoughts, not the other way round.

When I see your smile,
Tears run down my face.
I can’t replace…

I want to know that if I go back, will I be hated for leaving? If I go back, will I be accepted? Will I look like a jerk?

Mate, you know you will be accepted, well I will accept you.

Oh, hey Sam. Sorry, that wasn’t for your ears.

Yeah…well don’t worry about that. Emily loves you to bits; and I'm not just saying that. There aren’t that many 16 year olds that she takes to. And Seth was torn when you didn’t come back. Do you know how hard it is to keep the pack together know that you are gone? Please come back.

* * *

(Six Month Later)

Leaches, I knew it! thought Seth. Well of cause it is. Do you really think anything else could stink like that! Replied Leah with anguish.

As Jacob and Embry approached the smell with precaution, he saw it. The one thing that he dreaded; her.
When Jacob thought it was all over, he saw Bella. She was the most beautiful thing you could ever see, but she was one of them now. A vampire. The thirst for blood was now in her system and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
Bella…what have you done…


“Come on Bella, let’s go.” Said Edward apathetically.