Status: hiatus

Loving Every Second of Attention

Delivering Just What You Need

Roxii sat down on her bed late that afternoon, after school. Suddenly she just didn't even care about school work, she was too anoyed with the tension in parenting class to think of doing anything remotely related to that class.

Tawnie had refused to look at John all hour, while Becca and Garrett were just really awkward together. Roxii felt like banging her head against the brick wall with all the tension in the room. If you had to cut it, a samauri sword wouldn't have done the trick.

She was so distracted all hour, Nick had basically not even bothered to help her. She tried to help him, but he was just thought her lame attempts were amusing. So he told her not to bother so much for the day. He took notes, she had borrowed them to copy for the night.

"Rox." Roxii looked up and there was Garrett in the doorway. She growled and threw her converse at him. Garrett dodged it, then caught it before it hit the hall wall. "No need to get violent," he told her with an amused chuckled.

"Go away, Gare," She told him, rummaging through her bag. Garrett sighed and walked in, tossing her shoe on the ground next to her bed. She didn't look up but the bed sunk beside her, obviously from Garrett sitting on the edge, as she set her Parenting binder on the bed in front of her. Roxii shoved his shoulder, pushing him onto the floor.

She chuckled, as did he, as he thumped onto the floor. She bit her lip and fingered her bed spread beside her binder, a slight smile on her lips. Garrett got back up and sat across from her.

"You want to meet the ground again?" Roxii asked, glancing up at him. He rolled his eyes and stopped his sister's hands from moving, so she looked up at him. "What?"

"Look, you should talk to Becca." Roxii rolled her eyes and started flipping through her parenting papers. Garrett shut the binder and threw it on the floor beside them. Roxii glared at him, and he looked at her.

"I know you're upset. But if you're going to blame anyone, blame me. Becca told me to stay away and... I couldn't take no for an answer. And she's refusing to look at me directly in the eye now. Talk to her, if you want to stop speaking to anyone, it should be me." Garrett patted her ankle and got up, walking out the door.

"Garrett?" He poked his head back into the doorway. "Thanks." He smiled a bit and nodded, disappearing again. Roxii picked her phone up from her bed side table, and texted Becca. Then jammed it in her pcoket, and started copying down the notes Nick took for her.

Halfway through, Becca still hadn't texted back, but Roxii was interrupted. She paused and stretched, closing her notes, brushing them to the ground. Lying down on her bed, she closed her eyes, waiting for the ringing from her phone. But she ended up having a weight added to her abdomen. She groaned and sat Halvo sitting on her.

"Eric Halvorsen, what're you doing on me?" She asked, shoving him off of her. He tumbled to the floor and Roxii laughed as he jumped back up, on his knees, staring at her with only his eyes showing on the edge of the bed. "Halvo, what're you doing here?"

"Well..." He got up and sat on the bed, Roxii lying across it on her side, looking at him with her head in her hand, her elbow propping them up. "Garrett and I were working on a History project, then we got bored and Garrett went to get a snack while I jumped on you." Roxii shook her head and rolled onto her stomach, folding her hands under her chin. "And what're you doing, m'lady?"

"Nothing. Copying notes. Nick was nice enough to let me borrow, considering I'm a lazy ass and didn't do it in class," Roxii chuckled. Halvo rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I know, I'm such a procrastinator. But I did text Becca."


"So... what?" Roxii asked, leaning over the edge of her bed, still on her stomach, picking up her binder. Halvo grabbed her waist and pulled her back, pinning her onto her back. "Hey! What're you- Halvo!" He took her phone out of her front pants pocket. Then flipped it, while still pinning her down, and checking her messages.

"Then why is there only one text to her today?" Roxii shoved him away and grabbed her phone from him and shoving it into her back pocket. "You think putting it next to your ass is going to stop me?" Roxii rolled her eyes and flopped down on her back on the bed.

"Because she hasn't texted back. Maybe I should text her again. And if you do that again, I'm calling the police for sexual harassment." Halvo rolled his eyes and laid back on her bed, beside her.

"You'd never call the police on me. You love me too much to have me thrown in jail." He thought his response was clever, rolling over to hover over the top of her.

"True, but this kind of awkward in it's self. If you don't get your ass off me, I'll kick it." She told him. His eyes became awash with almost blankness and grazed his lips against hers. Roxii was surprised but melted into it. She always had these small feelings for Halvo, which grew and floated to the surface with him being so close.

"Eric, where in the hell... damn, I'm blind!" Garrett yelled, backing out of Roxii's doorway. Roxii looked around Halvo as he turned back to look. Her arms had found their way around his neck and his hands were beside her shoulders.


"What!?" He yelled, his eyes covered as he walked into the doorway again.

"I'm not mad anymore, we're even." He groaned and stumbled away, running into the wall a little ways from her bed room.

"Ow!" He yelled, and there was a thunk of his shutting door.
♠ ♠ ♠
I posted! Yay!

I think this is an improvement considering I haven't posted in forever and you guys totally deserve it. Uhm, and my throat is still a bit sore after all the screaming and crying I did in a cornfield maze yesterday.

I'm such a baby. Ah, well.
