Freshman and Senior


After taking a sip of my Dr. Pepper I walk outside and make my way back to the park.

I get to the playground equippment and go up to the rafters. I see the two girls and three others. I suspect their friends. They're two boys and one girl. I forget their names.

They start to cuss and I feel a little uncomfortable. I text my mom and she tells me to come back to the house.

I tell the others goodbye and walk back to the blue house. I get to the steps and give my mom a hug and open the front door to the house that is not mine.

I hear a bunch of clacks and I walk through the kitchen to the den to find out what it is. I see my brother and the boy; still don't know his name! They are playing pool. My brother is teamed up with a little girl, how cute is that?

The boy asks me to be on his team, I tell him that I don't know how to play. Of course he says the cheesiest possible line: I can teach you how.

I tell him that I don't want too. He says please and I say, "Nope, I don't have to because I'm not standing on the carpet." i giggle and smile.

He starts to walk towards me and I back up. He reaches out and grabs me by my wrists. i giggle and he picks me up. I tell him to put me down. He says no, he won't until I say that I will play. I tell him fine just put me down.

After he sets me down I run into the pantry room. He follows and I take the broom as my weapon.

He takes the broom form my hands and puts it to the side. I try to get past him but he blocks me and picks me up again.

Carrying me back into the room he sets me down on my feet but wraps his arms around my waist like a prison guard. I don't tell him to let go, because it feels okay to be there. If I may say that. He tells me to play and he will let me go. For some odd reason I think he kissed the top of my head but I may have just thought that.

I tell him that I will play and he lets go. I take the pool stick into my hand and he's watching me. It makes me get butterfly's. I smile and hesitate. He comes to stand behind me like you see in those movies; where the guy stands behind the girl and shows her how to do something correct.

After playing for a little while I go sit down on the couch and start to watch whatever the hell is on the television. Some Soap Opera of course. I can't remember the name though.
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Okay so I'm a sucker for romantic! Shoot me why don't ya! I'm kidding people, that's just a joke. Haha funny.

This is one of my favorite stories ever that I have written.

I have seven readers so far! It makes me especially happy. But I'm still upset because there are no comments or subscirbers! Please I will love you forever! Please, please, please Comment and Subscribe!

Love, moemoe.