Freshman and Senior


In the morning, I don't remember having any dreams. I sit in my bed on the floor and I can hear the TV.

I lay down for a few more minutes. When I get up, I act like a ninja. I fold my blankets and put them in a pile. Stepping over the twenty something year old I try to open the door quietly; it doesn't work. It squeaks like a fricken mouse.

I start to walk down the hall towards the bathroom, but then I see that the room the boy slept in has its door open. I don't want to wake him up so I just stand in the hallway feeling like a complete idiot.

"Hey I think someone is awake." Says a guys voice to another guy in the living room. I walk out and cover my mouth, morning breath ewe, then I say hello.

I walk to the loveseat couch and sit on the floor next to it. For some reason I feel rude sitting on a couch that's not mine.

I lay my head down on my knees and watch the show that is on TV. I can't remember what it is called.

After about five minutes I look away from the TV and see the boy: he is sitting on the long couch. I smile secretly to myself.

Standing up I walk to the room I slept in and grab my toothebrush.

I brush my teeth and hair. I get dressed in the same capris from yesterday and instead a dark purple tank top.

I walk out of the bathroom nd see that everyone else is up. They all start to get ready too. After the girls are dressed we walk to the park, I know how lame?

Their mom calls us back to the house. We walk back and the adults are discussing where to eat breakfast.

They decide on Weck's.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well I like the next chapter better, but i'm too lazy to write right now. lol.

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