Freshman and Senior


After we decide on Wecks, I call my mom to ask her, people are getting ready and the boy is somewhere irrelevant at this point.

We have to take two cars to get there. I ride in the small white car with the girls and their mom.

The boy, the two adult men and the twenty-something year old all ride in the white truck. Aww...I wanted to ride in the truck; and not because of why you are thinking.

We arrive at Wecks which is just a few blocks away from the house. There is quite a few people, I'm not a people person. The adults tell the waiter how many and we all wait to be seated.

I sit in the window seat with the two girls and we watch the strangers outside: creepy? Yes.

There are a bunch of people waiting outside too. It's a nice morning. I point out all the really cool cars, well in my opinion, and the adorable little dresses that the little girls are wearing.

We are seated. The girls ask to sit by me and I agree not to be rude.

The arrangement is: Me at end of table, the older girl to the right of me, her sister to her right, the boy next to her, his dad at the other end of the table, the girls dad to his right, the girls mom next to him, and the twenty-something year old next to her, next to me.

Yeah it's confusing. A waiter comes buy and takes our orders. I order a burrito and a sweet tea. Mmmm delicious.

Me and the other kids, including the boy, are debating which superhero is better, example: spiderman vs. superman, the incredible hulk vs. spiderman, and iron man vs. the incredible hulk.

Our orders come and we eat while talking about random stuff. Still debating which superhero is better. Even including the princesses and Betty Boop, no they are not superhero's.

I drink about two sweet tea's and then we leave with our boxed foods. I get to ride in the truck this time. My non gorgeous smile appears on my face, and I'm practically dying with excitment; yes I love trucks, no do not judge me.
♠ ♠ ♠

Fun Fact: reading is good for the soul, but read the wrong book and it could destroy your soul!

Oh no! how do you decide on the right book? Here's how: read this one. Lol jk jk guys!

Anyways I love you all for reading my story. I have 38 readers, 3 subscribers, and 6 comments.. 6.

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P.S. if you are reading this your soul will not be destroyed.

P.P.S. if you are not, then oh well. You didn't need your soul anyways.

P.P.P.S. Yes I am strange, no I do not eat cats...sorry <3