Freshman and Senior

At Home

At around six in the evening, my mom, my little brother and I finally went home. I went into my OCD clean room. I couldn't sleep if my room was a mess. Or if I slept I alway woke up tired.

I went into my room and plugged my phone into its charger, seeing as it was going to die.

My mom called my name, and I went to go see what she wanted. Of course she wanted me to the dishes and make the kitchen OCD presentable, her boyfriend and his two kids were going to be coming over.

That meaning I would get to take two little kids too the park, ugh. My brother went to his friends house that evening, lucky duck.

After I was done cleaning the kitchen, I went back to my room and sat on my bed reading my favorite book at the time, Host by Stephenie Meyer. It's about aliens, something different from those awesomely silly vampires that sparkle, even though I did as well like twilight when I first read it.

At around eight o' clock I hear the front door open and I am bombarded with hugs by two little devils. Hehe, even though I loved them at the time also, even though they were brats and usually back talked like 13 year olds. They were only four and eight.

I turned on the movie Cars and us three kids all sat on the fouton, that I made into a bed for the kids to sleep. We watched the movie and before it was even over the kids had fallen asleep with their heads on my lap, aww how sweet.

I think that maybe it was around nine-thirty when I went back to my room and checked my phone, it was fully charged, yay.

I was thinking about the boy from the house, and how I wished that I had gotten his number.

So I checked my Contacts hoping maybe he had thought the same.
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Yes, I left a cliffhanger. Mwahahahaha I'm evil. Don't worry i'll write more as long as you comment subscribe and rate.

love -moemoe <3