Worse Than A Fairytale

Worse Than A Fairytale

Cold air blew through the cab of the old ford truck, causing my hair to whip around viciously. Surprisingly, this only fueled the anger that was pent up inside me, the waves of rage climaxing to a new, frightening height. My white-knuckled grip on the cold, leather steering wheel faltered, which resulted in the truck swerving violently.

I breathed deeply, willing myself to calm down. A lethal grin spread across my face, and the taste of vengeance tempted me, causing disturbing, yet pleasing thoughts to conjure in my mind.

These thoughts taunted me. They called my name, inviting me in. And I took the invitation. As if accepting my fate, I pressed the accelerator down, the truck speeding up. I took the first turn to the right, and pulled up to the entrance of the old cemetery. Almost instantly, I could imagine the stale smell of liquor dispersing itself throughout the cool night air, and I could almost hear the drunken peals of laughter, coming from the poisoned teenagers.

Just then, a morbid thought occured to me. This was a graveyard. Why would teenagers choose this as a place to hang out? My only guess was the fierce privacy. The cemetery was located on a back road, about half an hour from town. There weren't any houses for miles in any direction.

I eased down on the brakes, the truck coming to a halt. I opened my door slowly, the hinges squeaking eerily. I snatched my tote bag, and stepped down onto the gravel, which crunched under my feet. I walked quietly, not wanting to disturb the dead.

I tiptoed over to the grass, a smile twisting solemnly across my pale features. The moon shone down through the trees, dancing off of the weathered headstones.

I could almost feel the cold, bony hands of the decaying corpses gripping my ankles, pulling me into the coffins with them. I shivered, willing this thought out of my mind.

Before I lost my nerve, the voice I was waiting on pulled me back to reality. "Valerie!" I turned around, my eyes searching for the face that went with the voice. And then I saw him. His dark hair shone in the rays from the moon, and his green eyes glowed, sparkling with unveiled secrets.

"Zacky," I purred, my heartbeat picking up pace. This wasn't unusual, just the presence of him did this to me. I had to gain complete zanshin, I had to control my reactions. I couldn't let him get to me, or I would back out.

I smiled cheekily, and dropped my bag to the ground, where it landed with a soft thud on the wet grass. I knelt down, blocking his view of the bag. I rummaged through my bag for the two Jack Daniels and the bottle of arsenic that I knew was there.

I popped the top off of each, foam rushing over and pouring down the sides. I hastily dumped the poison into one of the drinks, making sure I could tell the difference between mine and his. I stood up, and twisted towards him, smiling seductively.

I held his drink to my chest, while putting my bottle to my lips and winking before turning up the end, letting the alcohol scald my throat. He reached for the other bottle, but I turned away quickly, blocking him. He growled, and wrapped his arms around my torso, pulling me to his chest.

"You want it?" I whispered. He pressed his face into the crook of my neck, nodding. I pulled out of his grip, and sprinted away, careful not to spill any. "Then you have to come and get it." I laughed as his jaw hit the ground. His eyes narrowed, and I squealed, taking off between the gravestones.

Finally, I let him catch up to me. I held the bottle out to him, and he took it, downing half of it in one sip. The whole time my heart was racing, knowing what was coming. As soon as the bottle left his lips, his eyes got large, and his hand went to his throat. He choked violently, but it was too late. The poison was coursing through his system.

He wobbled a bit, the moon catching the metal of his snakebites. I sauntered up to him, and threw my hair across my shoulder. One gentle shove was all it took, and he was lying on the ground, staring up at the sky, gasping. I kneeled over him, my hands on his chest. All of the anger rushed back to me, and I resisted the urge to throw a few punches at that too pretty face.

"What do you think I am?" I growled, leaning down to him. "Was I just a game? Do you really think you could screw me over?" Our noses were almost touching as my nails dug into his chest. He was squirming beneath me, his breathing erratic. "Not this time, sweetheart. I may have been stupid to fall for it the first time, and maybe even the second. But the third time is too far. Revenge is sweet, don't you think?" I smiled viciously, as I dug my knee into his groin.

"Call me a temptress, call me a whore. That's just a price tag, I'm not for sale," I narrowed my eyes, as I shook with anger. "Don't be so obvious, Zacky. It's so unattractive, you know." I smirked as the guilt spread across his terrified face. "You're singing in your sleep. This won't feel all right at all in the morning." I let my lips brush across his cheek. "But I still have your kiss and your soft skin," I whispered.

Eventually, his breathing shallowed, and then stopped completely. I sighed to myself, while letting my eyes roam around the graveyard, lingering on the angel statue, which stood guard above this land of the dead. I frowned, and took one more glance back at Zacky, his beautiful face peaceful in his demise. I laughed to myself, a disturbing smile marring my face. I smashed the bottles of Jack, letting the glass rain down on Zacky's body, almost like a last goodbye.

"This was worse than a fairytale," I whispered to myself as I ran my hands through my hair, and walked away, preparing myself for where fate would take me next.
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Comments? :)
I'm not really sure if I like it, I'm seriously considering rewriting this, jsyk.