‹ Prequel: We Come Out At Night 4

We Come Out At Night 5

Chapter 2

The Rev

I told her I loved her and this is what she does? She goes off half-cocked and takes on Marco Montes herself. What a fucking moron. Now I get it, now I know how Shadows felt when he pushed Izzy away and didn’t let her in. So he wouldn’t have to feel angry, hurt, and most of all, scared. Words cannot describe how pissed off I am right now.

When we got to my floor, I shoved London through the doorway to the living room. She stood there taking in the damage I had done to the coffee table when I found her note and then turned and looked back at me. Her face seemed to bear annoyance and it only set me off even more.

Without giving it a second thought, I slapped her across the face so hard she fell backwards to the floor. This is played by my rules, not hers. She brought her hand up to her cheek and from the corner of her mouth I could see blood. It really takes a lot to get me that angry and she managed to do it more than once. I stepped right over her and walked straight into the bar to fix myself a drink leaving her there lying on the floor in tears.

I sat down at my bar and poured myself a glass of whisky and as the liquid began to coat my throat I could hear London sobbing as she made her way to the bedroom. Maybe it was too early to start drinking, but this was going to be a long day. I don’t know who I was more pissed off at, Izzy or London, but I’m sure, London was going to get the brunt of it. I sat there listening to her sobs as I continued to sip my drink. There was no coming back from this. In truth, I should have known better than to trust the daughter of Marco Montes.


Vengeance called just as Chelsea and I were about to go out for lunch. He’d asked me to go up to Gates’s floor to sit with Izzy for a while so he could go and check on Mari. It seems like every time I tried to do something with Chelsea something comes up. When I walked through the door I found him sitting on the couch.

When he saw me he stood. “Brace yourself, it aint pretty.”

“How bad could it be?” I asked not fully knowing the extent of what happened.

“Marco got her hooked on some kind of drug, lets just say she isn’t herself right now.”

“All righty then.” I took a seat on the couch and turned on the television while Vengeance grabbed his jacket and put it on.

“One more thing.” He said as he turned and looked back at me. “Shadows is not to know she is here.”

Sure, like Shadows couldn’t beat a secret out of me if he wanted too, but I’ll go with that.
“Yeah sure.” I nodded and watched him leave. Curiosity got the best of me and I had to see for myself. So, I got up and went to the bedroom that Kristina used to stay in and found Izzy lying on the bed.

All I could think was “Jesus Christ, if Shadows could see her now.” She looked like she was in a daze and high as a kite. I cautiously approached the bed and sat down on the edge. Izzy turned her head to look at me and for some reason I felt like I was sitting next to Regan from the exorcist. I can only hope she doesn’t shoot pea colored vomit across the room.

“Johnny.” She said my name as if she were aching for attention.

“Hey, Izzy Bee.” I managed to fake a smile for her benefit, but I truly felt bad for her. She looked like shit and I’m sure she felt worse.

“Is Matt coming soon?” Fuck my life. Why did I have to get the hard questions?

“Yeah, he’ll be here soon, he’s at work right now.” I’m officially a liar. Her hands were shaking and she was sweating pretty badly. As bad as I felt for her, I couldn’t wait for Gates to get back. It was hard seeing Izzy like this. In a way, I was glad Shadows didn’t know she was here, this would kill him.

“I want to see him now.” She whined and my heart broke for her. I smoothed my hand over her hair and looked down at her pale face.

“You should try and get some sleep. We can’t have you all tired and grumpy when he gets here now can we?”

“But I’m not tired.” Her eyes told me otherwise, but then again, that could have been the effects of whatever drugs she was on. “Please, I want to go downstairs and see Matt.” She was begging and under any other circumstance I would have carried her down there myself, but Gates and Vengeance would have my head.

“Izzy, he’s really busy right now and you know how he doesn’t like to be interrupted when he’s busy.”

She turned on her side so that she was facing the wall and I hated to be the one to disappoint her. I just hope I aint the one who has to deal with her when she starts going through withdrawals.


When I got into the elevator to go up to my floor all I could think about was Shadows and what he was going to do when he did find out that Izzy was here right under his nose. Kristina was in good spirits today and seemed to be less tired and little stronger than the last time I saw her. I just wanted her to come home so I could protect her myself and when the day came that she did come home I would personally put an end to all the bullshit with Shadows.

As I walked into my living room, I found it empty and tried not to panic. On instinct, I headed straight to Kristina’s room where Izzy was now staying. As I walked through the door Izzy appeared to be sleeping and Christ looked like he was about to have a coronary.

“How is she?”

“Oh you know, just fuckin’ ducky! Thanks a lot!”

Whoa ok. I held my hands up in protest. “What the hell happened?”

He stood and looked at me like he was a woman scorned and wanted to slap me. “Nothing special, just had to explain why Matt hadn’t come to see Izzy yet and lie my ass off until she fell asleep.”

So, obviously someone wasn’t a happy camper right now. “Well, you can go. I got it from here.” I never saw a man move so fast in my life. He bolted and left me there alone with Izzy. I knew this would be a long night.

As she slept I walked over to the bed and pulled the covers up over her. She was clammy and sweating, but that was a good thing because she was sweating out the drug. While I sat there watching over Izzy, I wondered how things went with The Rev and London. I wasn’t fond of her yet and I still didn’t trust her, but it took balls to do what she did.

I found myself drifting off to sleep in the chair as my thoughts went back to Kristina.
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Slow start, but the action will pick up quick. Of course, it's Johnny's turn so he'll be in the thick of it soon too!