Status: Active but please read, comment and subscribe (:

We'll Dream This Night Away.

"I Remember Every Day That I Spent Dreaming"

"Mommy?" I squeaked out in a tiny voice. The figure in front of me looked up from the paper that they held in their hand and met my eyes. Every time my mom would catch my gaze, I would fall in trance with her greenish-hazel eyes. In truth, I had never seen anyone possess eyes like hers, eyes that could capture you.

"Yes?" My mum replied with a small smile on her ruby red lips. I gave her a shy smile before revealing the magazine that I had hid behind my back.

"Can I- Can you get me this guitar, please?" I pointed at the paper and bit my lip in hopes.

All my mum did was hum and nod her head before speaking, "Hmmm, Byanca, you're nine years old and instead of asking for a pony, you ask for a-a used Fender Starcaster guitar?" Yet her tone held mock shock. She knew me.

I nodded my head vigorously and gave her a grin. "Yes, mommy. I want to be like daddy! Please, mommy! I'll take care of it!" My normal quiet voice rose high in octaves.

My mother nodded once more. "Of course. Just tell him to teach you whenever he can, mija. Ahora ve a preguntarle a tu padre."

I jumped up into her lap and gave her a hug, "Thank you mommy! I love you."

She hugged me back tightly. "Yo tambien te amo." But her voice broke.

I ran my fingers down my beat up guitar that I held in my arms and let out a sigh. Nights like these would keep me up and made me wonder how things would have been different if I had never asked my mother for a guitar. How would it have been if I had paid closer attention to the paper that she had in her hands. How everything would have been if she hadn't gotten sick and die-


I turned around to face the voice that had broken my train of thought. My father stood there with a sympathetic smile on his face, graying hair was in messed array and his eyes held traces of sleep.

"Can't sleep again?" He asked, crossing his arms.

I shook my head. "No, just thinking."

My father nodded his head, " Are you ready for tomorrow?"

Just hearing someone mention a gig made knots twist around in my stomach. I nodded and shot him a nervous smile.

"Don't worry, Byanca. You'll do good sweetheart." He encouraged with a proving smile.

"Thanks dad." I returned a smile,"I wish mom could go tomorrow." I whispered under my breath.

He must have heard me because as he left my room I heard him whisper, "Me too."
♠ ♠ ♠
"Ahora ve a preguntarle a tu padre."- Now go ask your father.
"Mija."- Sweetheart, darling. (It's a name used to show adornment.)
"Yo tambien te amo."- I love you too.

Intro to our story!

Tell me what you guys think! P:

And fasten your seatbelts for Alyssa's part. (: