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We'll Dream This Night Away.

"Take My Hand And We Will Run Away."

John sat right beside me after finding me. I couldn’t stop crying. I was practically shaking and trembling and my breathing was shorter. This was a bad time to be with someone – especially John.

I didn’t want to be seen like this but that was inevitable.

We hardly said anything to each other once he knew it was me that was crying in the alley. He just placed a hand on my back as he rubbed circles on it. He told me repeatedly that it was going to be okay but I didn’t believe him. Normally I would but I just couldn’t bring myself to actually believing him.

Once I started to calm down, I wiped the tears out of my eyes and looked to the side as my eyes adjusted to the light. As it turns out, Byanca was there with Garrett and they both had concerned looks on their faces. I was getting more and more embarrassed by the moment so I got up and just walked away but I couldn’t go that far. John held my arm and pulled me into a hug.

I hid my face in his chest as he placed his chin on top of my head. Fresh, new tears started streaming down my face as he rubbed a hand up and down my back.

I pulled away from him and looked up at him. He wiped the tears out of my eyes and kissed my forehead.

“I want to get out of here,” I told John just above a whisper.

He tucked a strand of my brown hair behind my ear before nodding. “Let’s get outta here,” John told Garrett who nodded and went back into the building to call the rest of the guys.

John placed a protective arm around me and held me close. Byanca smiled sheepishly at me before walking with us to our car. John went over to tell the guys something which left Byanca and me alone together.

“I’m really sorry about your Dad,” she said with genuine concern.

“It’s not your fault,” I told her as I leaned against the car for balance. I was getting really tired but I didn’t want to go home. I didn’t want to have to face the person who ditched me for some other band and I seriously didn’t want to face my mother who did not support me in this at all. Life was getting more and more complicated and I was getting really sick of it. I just wanted everything to be okay and easier but I guess I can’t always get what I want.

“So where are you guys going?” Garrett asked coming up to us.

I didn’t want to answer him since I didn’t really know where we were going but I also didn’t want to answer him because I didn’t want to say anything stupid. I wrapped myself in my arms as I shrugged my shoulders.

“Are you cold?” he asked ready to hand me his leather jacket.

“N-no, it’s not that,” I said trying to show a convincing smile.

“You sure?” he asked in reassurance as I nodded.

I bit my lip as I watched him talk to Byanca. There was no doubt that he was kinda cute. From his copper, red hair to his hazel green eyes, he was just amazingly gorgeous. But I saw the way he looked at Byanca and knew that there was no way that he was going to look at me the same way.

John came up to us and smiled at me. I smiled back at him and the rest of the guys trailed behind him.

“Okay, I don’t think everyone has met formally yet,” John mentioned moving aside so that everyone was in a straight line. “Alyson, Byanca, we are The Maine.” He started the introductions. “I’m John-” he said and I laughed. Like I didn’t know that already, I thought. “-this guy beside me is Garrett, then Pat, Kennedy and Jared,” he said and everyone gave out a small wave and a ‘hi’. I smiled back at each and every one of them so that they wouldn’t think that I was rude.

“So since Aly doesn’t want to be here, how bout we just go to the BBQ that the guys from All Time Low invited us to?” he asked the guys and they all nodded enthusiastically. “Okay then so it’s settled,” he said.

They all started for their cars. Apparently the guys came in two different cars so if you add ours, there were three cars all in all.

Byanca was riding with Garrett and Jared while Pat was riding with Jared and I’m guessing John was going to ride with them and I was just going to tail them but just as I was going to get in to the car, I felt a hand reach for mine.

“Hey, you need some company?” he asked me sweetly and I just smiled back as I nodded. “Okay, but I’m driving,” he said leading me to the passenger’s seat and opening it for me. Once I was secure inside, he shut my door and ran over to his side and got in the driver’s seat.

I handed him the keys and then he started the engine. The car roared to life and we backed away from the parking lot and hit the pavement.

“So look, I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have said that you Da-”

“John, it’s not your fault. You and I know how he is when he comes to these things,” I said cutting him off and he looked at me then back at the road.

“I just feel so bad about everything,” he said boiling up in anger. “He should’ve been there for you. He had no right to just blow you off like that. He’s your father for Christ’s sake.” He half-screamed half-yelled into the dashboard.

“John, don’t worry about it okay? I’ve dealt with this my whole life.” I said holding his hand that was on the stick shift to calm him down a bit. The car was an automatic so he didn’t really need to move it that much.

He looked at the hand that was on top of his and then blushed a bit. I laughed at his reaction which only made him redder. I was just about to let go but he caught my hand and just held it. Now it was my turn to blush but he didn’t laugh. Instead, once he parked the car parallel to the curb, he brought my hand to his lips and kissed it.

Right at that moment, I felt my whole world spin and I was lost in his eyes. There was some kind of spark right when his lips met my hand but was this ever going to go anywhere?
♠ ♠ ♠
okay is this going somewhere? yea i think it is haha
stay tuned for Byanca's update
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thnx to those who have shared their thoughts on this story :) hope you guys say something bout this too :D