Status: Active but please read, comment and subscribe (:

We'll Dream This Night Away.

"How The Hell Did You Ever Pick Me."

"Can I ask you something?"

I focused my attention towards Garrett who was sitting next to me. Our knees bumped occasionally, making knots form in my stomach. I wasn't used to being so close to a guy that I didn't think of as just a friend. Was it too soon for me to say that I was forming a small crush on Garrett?

"Yeah?" I squeaked out as my voice failed me. His turquoise orbs caught my own in a gaze; right then and there I felt like hiding my mouth with one of my hands and shielding my eyes with my choppy bangs.

"Whoa, your eyes are really pretty. Do they change colors?" He asked absent-minded whilst leaning closer into me as if it would help him see my irises better.

"Garrett!" Pat shrieked from the passenger's seat. His body twisted to the side in order to face Garrett and me. With a lighting speed, Garrett jumped back into his seat.

"What the hell was that, Pat?" Garrett grinded his teeth in irritation. But this made Pat smirk in satisfaction, knowing that he had struck a nerve. I smiled shyly in order to stop myself from laughing; Pat really knew how to get under people’s skin and still look innocent.

The rest of the car ride was extremely awkward, full of a silence that drove me to the edge of insanity as each minute passed.

And then I gave up all hope that Garrett would inch himself closer to me due to the fact that he had formed a huge gap between us and was now facing the window.

My heart sunk deeper into the ground when I saw him, from the corner of my eye, take out an iPod and put on the headphones into his ears.

When we got to the destination, I hesitated before getting out of the car. What was I doing in the first place- going somewhere with some guys that I had barely met? Yet my worry was eased when Jared the red-head gave me a warm smile.

"Don't worry about him," he said gesturing towards Garrett with his head. "He's just PMS-ing because he hasn't had his alcohol yet."

Jared must have seen my reaction to the word alcohol because he raised up both hands in defense. "Kidding, just kidding." He said cautiously; anxiety dripping thick from his tone.

I swallowed the knot that had made it's way to my dry throat. Alcohol?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the lack of updates...and for the crappiness of this update.
I'm almost done with school though. Just one more week of finals and I'm free to write. Hopefully, my inspiration will make come-back.

Comment please!

Feedback is greatly appreciated!