Letters to the Other Side


Dear Jensen,

I know you haven’t replied to my letter and it has been over a week so I’m guessing you’re not going to.

But that’s okay! I don’t mind really. I’ve decided that I don’t need to be at school, all the prejudice that is going around is really getting to me, especially because the majority of it is aimed at me. I don’t have an accent like my father, I don’t have ringlets like my father and I don’t have his taste in foods either. So why if I eat vegemite and cheese sandwiches at school with cupcakes and fruit, wear my hair straightened with a headband do they treat me like that invading terrorist that I told you about? The boys at school aren’t interested in me and most the girls won’t let me sit with them at lunch times.

I’m probably bothering you right about now- that’s if you’ve read this far into my letter. And because of that, I will end this here.

Hoping to be your friend,
