Life as Renesmee Cullen's Twin Sister

Chapter 4

“But Daddy, I don’t want to eat eggs for breakfast! I want ice-cream!” I whined as Daddy placed a plate of scrambled eggs and a cup of orange juice in front of me.

“I’m not going to spoil you, Belle, like everyone else has been doing,” he replied, raising his voice at the last part so the others could hear. “Now eat this or don’t eat at all,” he said, turning back to me and then leaving to the next room.

Oh, he thinks he is so clever but I can outsmart him any day. I used my mind and the freezer door opened and cookies ‘n cream came my way, a spoon following close behind. I smiled as it landed in front of me. I took off the lid and dug my spoon for one big helping, quickly bringing it to my mouth.

It was so heavenly that I quickly devoured it and went back for a second and a third and a fourth until there was none left in the carton. I smiled down at it but then suddenly looked up to see Daddy and Mommy standing in the doorway. I gulped and quickly grabbed the carton and hid it under the table, hoping they hadn’t seen it. No such hope.

“Rosabelle Cullen, what was that all over your face?” Daddy asked in a stern voice and he gave me a stern look. “Is it ice cream?” Oh crap, he knew.

I shook my head. “No!” Ok, I am a really bad liar. I found this out when I broke Auntie Rose’s favorite pair of shoes. She asked me if I did it and I couldn’t keep a straight face.

“You can’t lie to me Belle.” What did he mean? “I can read your mind is what I mean,” Oh woops, I forgot that little detail.

“Uh, I…I,” I stumbled on words which just proved me even more guilty.

“Edward, just let it go,” Mommy said, putting her hand on Daddy’s shoulder. “I’m sure Belle is sorry, right Belle?” she asked looking at me.

“I am, I am, I am, and I will never ever do it again,” I replied with feeling in my voice.

Daddy nodded and said to me, “But I’m not letting you get of that easily. You will not be allowed to have ice-cream for a week and that is final.” He walked into the living room where everyone was sitting.

Mommy came over to me and picked me up. “You need to obey your Daddy, Belle,” she whispered to me and started to walk into the living room. She sat on the couch next to Daddy, who had Nessie in his arms.

I went as deep into Mommy as I could and didn’t dare to look at Daddy, because I knew he would be mad at me.

Suddenly Daddy gave a mean sounding growl and I thought it was at me so I shot off of Mommy’s lap and ran up the stairs and into Daddy’s old room.

I fell on the bed and started to sob. Tears started to pour down my face and soak into the pillow I was holding onto. Daddy didn’t love me anymore.
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thanks for all the comments ppl :)
they make my day