Life as Renesmee Cullen's Twin Sister

Chapter 5

I didn’t know how long I had been crying, when suddenly a pair of cold arms were wrapped around my waist. I looked up with my tear filled eyes to see my daddy looking at me sadly.

“What’s wrong, sweet heart?” he asked in a quiet voice.

I couldn’t respond, so I just started to cry even harder. Daddy, taking me in his arms and trying to calm me down, kept asking me what was wrong. Finally I found my voice and said, “You don’t love me anymore!” I burst into tears all over again.

“Why would you ever think that?” he said lovingly. I thought about the moment when I heard him growl and a look of understanding crossed his face. “Oh, honey, I was not growling at you, I was just upset with Jacob. I would never do that to you and remember that I will always love you. And, speaking of Jacob,” he didn’t sound as loving as he said that name. “Thanks to him, we have a guest coming over, so let’s go down stairs and join the rest of the family.”

“Who is coming, Daddy?” I asked curiously as we started down the stairs.

“Your other Grandpa,” he answered, sitting in the seat next to Mommy, who was holding Nessie, of course. “And he doesn’t know about you and your sister so just stay on my lap, and he is not food,” he added, looking at Nessie.

We both nodded and sat quiet and patiently. Well, Nessie did anyway; I asked every few minutes “Is he here yet?” And they would always say no. When is Grandpa going to get here? I looked around the room and saw everyone trying to look normal. Ha, good luck because Uncle Emmett doesn’t look anything close to normal, just saying.

Daddy looked at me and smiled at what I had just thought and, suddenly he said, “And no using your powers,” Oh drat.

Another moment and suddenly Grandpa was at the door, and there was a voice of another old person. Then Grandpa and my new Grandpa came through the door and new Grandpa looked at Mommy with shocked eyes. Then new Grandpa looked at Nessie and I. I heard his heart rate pick up by a lot.

“Hi Dad,” Mommy said in her bell like voice, seeming to scare new grandpa even more.

New Grandpa said something but I wasn’t paying any attention to anything they said because I was to busy staring out the window, looking at Leah and Seth. They seemed to be waiting there, as if something might happen. What, I have no clue.

“Her name is Renesmee Carlie. Renesmee is from Esme and Renée’s name’s, and Carlie is Charlie and Carlisle,” Mommy said, looking at Nessie.

I saw tears start to well up in new Grandpa’s eyes and he smiled at Nessie. “And this is Rosabelle Hope,” Daddy added, smiling down at me. I smiled back up to him and giggled as I looked at new Grandpa.

He smiled at me. “She is very pretty,” he said. “Can I hold her?” he asked, unsure.

Daddy nodded and held me out for new Grandpa to hold. He smiled at me and said, “You are a cute little thing, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am,” I laughed out, patting his shoulder. Shocked, he looked at Mommy and Daddy questioningly.

“She started talking early,” Mommy replied to the look. He nodded and looked back at me, rocking me back and forth. I think I’m going to like new Grandpa.
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