Life as Renesmee Cullen's Twin Sister

Chapter 6

I sighed and rolled over to find the bars of my crib in front of my eyes; I was in mine and Nessie‘s room. How did I get here? I wondered this as I rubbed my eyes and stretched out my arms.

I stood up in my crib and started to climb out, but stopped when I heard the door open and Mommy’s and Daddy’s heads popped through the crack in the door.

“What do you think your doing, Rosabelle?” Mommy asked, giving me a stern look, while the corner of her mouth turned down. “I told you I didn’t want you climbing out because you might hurt yourself.”

I nodded at Mommy, while Daddy came over and picked me up. He took me to my dresser and started to look through my clothes, while Mommy woke up Nessie and did the same. He ended up picking a pair of jeans and a shirt that said ‘Daddy’s little girl’ on it. He helped me change and then got me some socks and shoes while Mommy did my hair into little pig tales.

After Nessie and I were dressed, Mommy and Daddy took us to Grandpa and Grandma’s house to get some breakfast.

“Good morning, my little Belle,” Auntie Alice said, kissing my forehead and setting a plate of pop-tarts in front of me.

“Yeah, yeah,” I mumbled, taking a bite of my yummy chocolate pop-tart. I’m not exactly a morning person, but I try to be. Well, a little. Ok, not at all.

Grandpa walked into the room and over to Nessie and handed Mommy the bottle full of blood. Yuck. That stuff smells and tastes yucky.

Grandpa turned to me. “Are you sure you don’t want any, Belle?” he asked like he did every time I ate something.

“She does not,” Daddy said for me, smiling at me and winking. He does that a lot and Mommy loves it, but I think it’s funny. “Really?” He asked me, smiling again.

I giggled and nodded. “Yup-idy yup!”

Every one laughed and I just continued to eat my pop tart and smiling at them. After I was done eating, I used my power to set my plate in the sink and went into the living room. Auntie Rose was sitting with Uncle Emmett and watching TV, and Jasper was sitting on the stairs and then, when Auntie Alice came in, went upstairs.

I sat down and watched the TV tow. What else was there to do? Boy, was there more then I could ever imagine.
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