Life as Renesmee Cullen's Twin Sister

Chapter 7

I was sitting on Daddy’s lap, watching as the sun went to bed and the moon came out to play. I got up off of Daddy’s lap and ran to the window. I smiled at the moon and it smiled right back at me. Giggling, I started to dance in front of the window, twirling in an endless circle.

Suddenly there was a loud sound of glass shattering and I stopped and saw that Auntie Alice was standing in the middle of the room, one of Grandma’s vases shattered all around her. I looked at Daddy but he was staring at Auntie Alice with a look of horror on his face like he was really scared.

“No,” Daddy whispered, looking from Mommy and Nessie to me. “When?” he asked, turning back To Auntie Alice.

“Two months,” she replied, standing so still that she looked like a statue.

“What’s going on?” Uncle Jasper asked, coming up beside Auntie Alice.

“The Volturi,” Daddy and Auntie Alice said at the same time, looking at each other. “Irina,” Daddy continued “went to the Volturi and tolled them that we have an immortal child.” He growled at this and looked at the now sleeping Nessie.

“But we don’t,” Uncle Emmett broke the silence that had fallen in the room.

“No duh,” Auntie Rose said, whacking Uncle Emmett on the head. I giggled and started to dance again, twirling and doing little jumps. I was having so much fun that I didn’t even notice the words that everyone was saying to each other. Suddenly I was no longer twirling and I found myself looking at Daddy’s golden eyes.

“Now’s not the time for dancing Belle,” Daddy said in a voice that sounded like he was scared. Why was Daddy scared? “Because bad people are going to be coming and I don’t want you or Mommy or Nessie or anyone else to get hurt by them.” Oh, well that makes sense, I guess.

I looked around now and I didn’t see Auntie Alice or Uncle Jasper. Where were they? I looked up at Daddy, wanting him to answer my question, but he just looked at Grandpa and then nodded.

“I think we need more vampires,” Grandpa exclaimed, catching everyone but Daddy off guard.

“What do you mean, dear?” Grandma asked, looking at Grandpa.

“We need witnesses,” Grandpa explained. “We could find old friends and asked them to just be here, they don’t have to fight.” And the rest was blah, blah, blah.

The next thing I knew, I had to say goodbye to Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Emmett, and Auntie Rose, because they were going to visit people and ask them if they would come here. It was a teary goodbye, well for me it was. I didn’t want to let go of Auntie Rose, but I knew I had to.

“I’ll be back soon,” Auntie Rose assured me. “I promise.” She gave me one last kiss on the forehead and then the door closed and everyone was gone.

Daddy held my tight and close as he and Mommy walked back to our little fairytale house. Mommy was holding Nessie, who was still sleeping, and she was talking to Daddy about asking Jacob and his friends to help us with the bad people, who Daddy said were called the Volturi or something like that.

“Good night,” Daddy whispered, kissing me on my forehead before going to kiss Nessie.

Mommy came over and leaned over the crib. “Good night my little Belle,” she said, and she gave me a kiss too. I smiled up at her and she smiled at me to before her and Daddy let the room. I thought about all the stuff that had happened today. So, all my aunties and uncles were gone along with Grandma and Grandpa. Tomorrow was really going to stink like blood.
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Sorry for the long wait.