Status: Abandoned



Jack gave me twenty-four hours to tell Alex about Meg's plan. He was going to ask Alex about it whenever he saw him next so I if didn't, Jack would know. To be perfectly honest, I was terrified. I was scared Alex would get pissed at me. I wouldn't blame him if he did. I decided the perfect time to tell him would be at lunch. I asked him if we could sit by ourselves and he had no problem with that. Alex found me in the lunch line and stood next to me, much to the dismay of everyone behind me. We both got pizza and I munched mine nervously when we sat at the table.

"Alex," I started, "I need to tell you something."

"What's up, babe?" he asked, nonchalantly brushing his honey colored bangs out of his eyes.

"Um," I stuttered, "Um, my parents are getting divorced."

"Jersey, I'm so sorry. I'm here if you need to talk or if you just want a hug or something. You know that right?" he asked, with genuine concern.

"Yeah," I mumbled as I took another bite of pizza.

I looked at the ground and swung my feet around aimlessly. I felt so stupid. That was not what I was going to tell him. Jack was gonna kill me, but I just couldn't tell Alex the truth. I couldn't risk him getting mad at me or breaking up with me or anything like that. I just couldn't. I looked around the cafeteria and my eyes fell on Jack, who was talking to Rian, and he looked back at me with a questioning expression. I nodded, as if to say I had done what I was supposed to, and Jack looked back at Rian. The bell rang a minute later and Jack sprinted over before Alex could get up.

"Did Jersey tell you what she had to tell you?" he asked.

"Yeah," Alex nodded, "It sucks, but it'll be okay."

"Mhmm," Jack eyed me suspiciously before taking off.

I watched my feet as I walked to class because I couldn't bear to look at Alex. He thought Jack was referring to my parents' divorce but he was oh so wrong. I hoped he would never find out the truth, but I knew somehow this was all going to blow up in my face. I was hoping if I ignored it long enough, maybe it wouldn't. Unfortunately, I had no such luck.
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Leave me some love and I'll give you a cookie.