Status: Finished

Never Take Anything for Granted

Tony never realised how much it meant to him until it was gone.

Starts off light humor and ends quite dark.
  1. Bull Pen Banter
    There's work to do, and DiNozzo is not going to do it.
  2. Something's Got To Give
    Time away from the field is driving Team Gibbs insane. Major credit to DiNozzo.
  3. There's Nothing To Find
    Maybe crime scenes are overrated?
  4. Check It Again
    The team's only lead points to the person they least suspected.
  5. Fated To Pretend
    McGee takes some unexpected quality time with his best friend.
  6. Falter
    The hope is starting to fade away.
  7. Losing Touch
    Just another slow day at the office..
  8. Instincts
    The only lead in the case. Will it pay off?
  9. Take This To Your Grave
    The end.