Status: Finished

Never Take Anything for Granted

Something's Got To Give

"Another trip to the latrine, McDrizzle?" DiNozzo sniffed as McGee stood for his fifth trip to the toilet in three hours. Tony had counted.

Tony had also spent the majority of his time playing zombie flash games on the Internet, with the prepared excuse that he is too ill to work which was conveniently masked by all of the extra effort that McGee seemed to be putting into his report.

"I had lots of coffee this morning, DiNozzo. I got no sleep last night, too busy doing your paperwork.." McGee trailed off as he left his desk and headed towards the bathroom.

DiNozzo continued to mumble to nobody in particular "well, McGee, the next time you bet me something ludicrous, use money and not work."

"Somebody has to do it, DiNozzo." Gibbs added from behind a folder.

"What did you bet him?" Ziva asked. She was skeptical that DiNozzo had managed to win McGee in anything without foul play, and he was really making McGee suffer. Plus it was rather convenient that McGee had picked up his work at the same time as DiNozzo contracted his cold.

"That's irrelevant, Zeevah! The only thing that matters is that I won, and I am free of work for a whole month."

Gibbs looked up from behind his open folders and stared at DiNozzo, who started to resemble a rabbit caught in the headlights of a truck.

"Apart from work that you give me, Boss. I will complete that to the best of my ability."

Gibbs smiled satisfied and returned to his work.

"Although" DiNozzo continued "you can't deny that you miss being out on the field, Boss. We haven't had an open case in almost two weeks."

"I'm aware of that, DiNozzo."

"I'm glad to be having a rest." Ziva chirped, deciding that she had done just enough work to merit her a break. The others followed suit and started to relax.

Tony paused Attack Of The Dead and peered around his computer screen at Ziva from across the room. "Don't you miss the adventure, Ziva? The thrill of the chase? The interrogations?" He suddenly looked remarkably well and very enthusiastic.

"As a matter of fact, I don't. It's nice having a break." She smiled sweetly.

"I have to agree with Ziva" McGee agreed as he returned from his break.. "Working cold cases isn't exactly delightful but it makes a change from corpses and blood spatter."

"McSqueamish, I can't say I'm surprised. Abby would be ashamed!" DiNozzo gasped before setting into a deep look of concentration. "Come to think of it, I could never do Abby's job. I'd hate being away from the action. And I majored in physical education, that kinda narrows the field." Tony was obviously slipping deeper and deeper into his own world, and his team were very aware of that fact. "I think I'd make a good surgeon if I knew what to cut.. Although I guess that would be a primary requirement."

When Tony had finally stopped rambling he leaned his elbows on the desk and looked blankly into the space in front of him. The team, one by one, returned from their observation of Planet DiNozzo and continued work.

A few brief moments later, McGee approached DiNozzo's desk holding a file of still-warm work he had printed from his computer. He idly dropped them in front of Tony who was glued to his game and patiently waited for his 'thank you'. And waited. And waited a little more, before he took matters into his own hands and pressed escape on Tony's keyboard, ending his game of Attack Of The Dead.

"McGEE!" The shreik was enough to distract the entire floor, causing agents all over the floor to turn and inspect the tragedy that had just taken place; DiNozzo's unsaved level.

"Do I get a thank you now, Tony?" A smug McGee asked in response.

"For ruining my game?" Tony barked back. Gibbs peered around McGee from the other side of the bull pen, and DiNozzo realised that he just dropped himself in it. "Too ill to work, Boss."

"No Tony" McGee chirped up "not for ruining your game - for completing your written report."

"I shouldn't have to thank you, McMonkey Butler." Tony growled, still obviously feeling the toll of the common cold.

Gibbs rose from his desk "Too ill to work but you're well enough to battle elves?"

"Actually it was a zombie game, Boss. Which is irrelevant. Wont happen again, Boss."

On that note Gibbs returned to his seat and McGee frowned one last time at DiNozzo before walking towards the elevator.

"Turn the sprinklers off, McGee" DiNozzo shouted after him, once again drawing the attention of the entire floor and embarassing his co-worker.

The second the phone started to ring DiNozzo was pulled out of his annoyance by the low pitched ringing, and Ziva and McGee flicked their heads from what they we're doing and glared impatiently at Gibbs, who sat casually smiling at his agents, looking almost innocent.

"What?" He gasped, with a small smirk creeping onto his features.

Ziva stepped from her desk and marched over to Gibbs'. "Please answer the phone, Gibbs. I am going insane." She lifted the phone from the hook and thrusted it towards Gibbs who broke into a chuckle.

"Gibbs. Yeah. Goddit." He put the phone back on the hook and looked up at the three agents sitting staring back at him. The three of them seemed to lean in closer and Gibbs followed suit until they were all edging closer to share the news. "Wrong number"

Ziva squeeled with frustration before slouching down onto the corner of her desk and Gibbs looked over at her sporting a now-familiar mischievous grin. "Kidding. Grab your gear."

A wave of relief flooded over the agents, including 'Death Bed DiNozzo', as they pulled their weapons from their desk drawers and headed out.
♠ ♠ ♠
This didn't turn out like I wanted it to but I swear it will get better. Any thoughts?