Status: Finished

No Heaven Can Help Us

Missy's Interview


Jenna stood in the check out line waiting for the ederly woman to put her groceries on the conveyer belt. While waiting, her eyes scanned the magazines. One was about Angelina and Brad calling it quits, the other was about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart apparently having a baby, and the next one had a brunette woman with a horse face smiling at her. She picked up the people magazine in frustration. Staring up at her was a photo of Bam’s ex Missy. In bold letters it said Missy’s Interview about her divorce from Bam, how she’s holding up, and about Bam’s new toy.

Jenna flung open the magazine until she reached the correct page. There were photos of Bam and Missy on their wedding day, and a few more of them looking miserable in the photos. Jenna began to read the interview between Missy and the interviewer.

So Missy, you and Bam decided to get a divorce. Why?

Well, all he wanted to do was drink and get high. I got so tired of it. When I got home from work I would find the house trashed and half naked girls flung all over the place. I just couldn’t deal with his sh*t anymore.

If you could talk to Bam right now what would you tell him?

I would tell him that I hope he has a great life without me.

Fan’s say that you only married Bam because of the money. Is that true?

Absolutely not! I’ve known Bam since we were kids. And the first time I met him I knew I wanted him to be my husband. So, I’ve loved him way before he was famous. Even if he wasn’t famous I would still want to marry him because he was my everything.

Rumors have also stated that you didn’t want Bam to hang out with his friends or skate anymore.

Just like you said it’s a rumor. But, there were nights that I just wanted the house to ourselves and not with us and his friends. When they were there, they’d destroy the house and stay up all hours of the night while I had to be at work the next day. As for his skateboarding, that is what got him famous so of course I didn’t tell him to stop doing what he loves the most.

What have you been doing since the divorce?

I’ve just been spending time with close friends and family. I’m planning on moving to Philadelphia in the next week and work at a new graphic design shop there.

I bet you’re really excited about that.

Oh, I’m very excited. I just need to find a new start ya know?

I know what you mean. So Missy, there’s been reports that Bam has been seeing another girl. No one knows who she is. Have you seen the news article?

I have and I do know who that girl is. Do you remember his car wreck a few weeks back?

Yes, I believe everyone does.

The girl he got into the wreck with is the girl in that photo at the airport. My sister and I ran into them last week at the movie theater. They tried to act like they didn’t know each other but my sister saw them get into a car together.

If you could say anything to this girl what would you say?

I’d tell her good luck with Bam. When he get’s tired of her he’ll end up dumping her. It’s all fun and games in the beginning but Bam will end moving on to someone else.

Do you think Bam cheated on you with this new girl?

No, I don’t. We were far from over before he started seeing her.

Do you know her name?


What if Bam decides to marry her?

He won’t get married again. He already told me if we didn’t work out he’d never ever get married again no matter what. But, if he does it won’t last. This girl will get fed up with his shit and leave like I did.

Do you think she’s good for Bam?

I personally don’t know her so I wouldn’t know the answer to that. I’ve seen the trash that Bam used to date so she could be a trashy whore with all kinds of STD’s.

I wish you luck in your future Missy and thank you for your time.

Thank you!

Jenna stuck the magazine into her cart. She didn’t know why but she was fuming with anger. She was far from being a trashy whore. Missy was probably talking about herself. When the woman finally put all her things on the belt, Jenna began stacking up items that her mom asked her to get. Bam would be home in four days. She debated on telling him about the interview but she was sure he probably already knew about it.