Status: Finished

No Heaven Can Help Us



Bam picked Jenna up around nine the next mornin. Their appointment was at ten and at one they had a lamaz class so today would be a busy day. Before going to the doctor, Bam stopped to get them something to eat for breakfast. They finally pulled into the doctor's office. After checking in they were taken into a room. Jenna laid on the bed and lifted up her shirt exposing her large belly. The nufse checked to make sure the baby was okay and they got to listen to the heartbeat.

"Are you ready to find out the sex of the baby?"

"Yes!" Bam and Jenna said in unison.

"You both are going to have a beautiful little boy!"

Jenna beamed over at Bam. He leaned in to kiss her then pulled his phone out to text everyone. The nurse printed out photos of their boy and handed them to Jenna. When they left the room, Jenna made a pit stop in the bathroom before they left. After the lamaz class, Bam stopped at a baby store to get a baby name book. Jenna knew they needed to think things over soon and shop for the baby. Their son couldn't have two homes they needed just one. When they checked out Bam led Jenna to the car. She began looking through the book. There were so many names. She knew choosing just one would be hard.

"How about Jim?" he asked.

"Hell no!"

Bam chuckled as he drove back to the house. Jenna sat down in the living room with Bam next to her. They were still looking through the baby name book. The front door soon opened and Ape and Phil walked in with Pizza.

"Have you decided on a name yet?" Ape asked.

"No," sighed Jenna. "We're still stuck. I know I want Cole to be his middle name and maybe his first name start with a B so he has his dads initials."

Ape frowned. "Let's see there's Benjamin, Brendon, Braxton, Bryan, Blake, Bentley." she read off.

Bam sat up. "Bentley's a cute name."

Jenna smiled. "Bentley Cole Margera! It has a ring to it!"

Bam smiled as he placed his hand on Jenna's belly. "Hi Bentley!"

Jenna laughed as their son began to kick in the womb. At first, she thought it was freaky when she felt her son move but it only reassured her that he was alright. Now all they had to do wass waited four months before Bentley arrived.


Jenna pulled into the driveway of her mother's home to find Bam, Novak, and Ryan putting boxes into the Hummer. It was a week before Christmas and Jenna hd just gotten done with all her shopping. She got out of her car and waddled through the snow towaards Bam. He saw her and smiled widely.

"What the hell are you doing?" she asked with her hands on her hips.

"I have a request for you."

"What's the request?"

"You move in with me today and decorate the house for Christmas."

"I'll move in with you, but I'm seven months pregnant. I can't decorate a Christmas tree without knocking it down."

Ryan and Novak laughed.

"Besides, you didn't even ask me if I wanted to move in with you."

Bam walked over and carefully pulled Jenna to the snow covered grouund.

"Bam!" she shrieked which made him laugh. "I won't be able to get back up!"

He chuckled then kissed her cheek. "Will you move in with me for good?"

Jenna smiled softly. She had been waiting for Bam to finally ask her to move in. Now, she could start getting everything before Bentley arrived.

"Yes!" she said.

Bam helped her up from the snow and the two of them headed into the house. Jenna finished getting her things packed. She was really going to miss living with her mom and brother, but her and Bam needed their own privacy with the baby. After everyting was loaded, Jenna thanked her mom for letting her stay there.

"You're welcome honey. We'll be over around ten on Christmas morning." she told them.

"Okay, Ape and Jenna are going to cook dinner for us."

Jenna raised her eyebrows. "I am?"

He nodded. "Yep!

Jenna sighed. She hated cooking Christmas dinner. It was too much of a hausle. She just nodded then got into the Hummer. The roads to Castle Bam were clear so it wasn't dangerous for them to get there. Jenna sat on the couch while Bam and the boys put her things up. It took a few hours, but they finally told her to come up to the room. She waddled up the stairs and walked into what was now her and Bam's room. Her pictures hung on the wall, she had her own bathroom cabinet, and her own closet space. She smiled widely as Bam pulled her into a sweet kiss.

"Ape's coming over tonight to decorate!"

Jenna nodded. She was glad Ape would come over to help. She loved decorating for christmas. It was one of her favorite holidays. Just having all your family get together, eat wonderful food, and catch up with talk just put a smile on her face.