Status: Finished

No Heaven Can Help Us

Baby Shower


"Babe, where are we going?" Jenna asked.

She was sitting in the passenger seat of the Hummer while Bam drove into town. In just a month, they would be expecting their son. Jenna was so excited to finally get to hold Bentley.

"It's a surprise!" was all he said.

Jenna rolled her eyes. She had an inkling as to what the surprise was, but couldn't be totally sure. Bam finally came to a stop at his bar The Note. It didn't open for another five hours so she wondered what was going on. Bam helped her out of the car and led her inside.

"Surprise!" everyone yelled.

Jenna smiled at her friends, family, and Bam's friends and family. The bar was turned into a teddy bear palace. Baby shower decorations were everywhere and the bar was filled with presents. There was also a cake and punch. Jenna thanked them all with hugs. She was so happy that everyone had done this for her and Bentley.

"You have to wear these!" said Angie as she put a metal around Bam's neck that said Dad to be and a tiara on Jenna's head that said mom to be.

Jenna was then taken to get photos taken with everybody. She didn't mind. It would be great memories to put in Bentley's baby book. When all the pictures were taken, Jenna was seated by the bar where she began to open presents. Bentley got tons of clothes, blankets, toys, bottles, binkies, bath stuff, a bath tub, rocking chair, car seat, stroller, crib, play pen, swing, diapers, and a bunch of other stuff. For the nursery, she got rockstar nursery bed sets that had a guitar on the sheets. It was really cute.Jenna thanked everyone for all the presents. She didn't need to buy anything else for this kid. He was already so spoiled. After the presents, everyone ate cake and drank punch.

"I hope you liked all the presents!" Ape said.

"I loved them!" replied Jenna. "They are all amazing! Thank you all so much this will help out a lot. Now all we have to do is work on the nursery!"

Bam smiled. "We'll start on that tomorrow!"

"Good. Cause we only have a month until Bentley comes! I want to get everything done before I get even more bigger."

Bam wrapped his arm around Jenna's shoulder and softly kissed her cheek. "We will. I promise!"

After everyone talked for a few more hours, people started to give Jenna and Bam a hug then left. When everyone started to leave Bam, Phil, Jess, and Ryan put all the presents in the Hummer. Jenna didn't think that everything would fit but it did. She knew tonight was going to be a long night. She decided that they would just leave all the baby shower gifts in the guest bedroom while they got the nursery all painted. Bam helped Jenna into the hummer and the two of them headed through a Taco Bell to get dinner to go. When they got home they ate then Bam started carrying everything in. Jenna said she would help but he told her that she needed the rest. He spent almost an hour going in and out of the house to bring in all the presents. He finally sunk down on the couch next to Jenna. She gave him a kiss then began to watch a Baby Story on TV.

"You won't pass out will you?" she asked as the woman on the Tv was pushing the baby out.

Bam smirked. "I might!"

"You better not! Do you know how embarrassing that will be?"

Bam laughed. "I won't pass out!" he said as he kissed her lips. "I can't wait until Bentley gets here. We're going to be good parents."

"I know we are! I'm just afraid he'll be a little jackass like his daddy!"

Bam just pulled Jenna into another kiss. She couldn't wait until next month when she got to see the first glimpse of her baby.