Status: Completed

We've got Chemistry

Shooting Star

Amy was Amy.
There was no one like her. She liked the Disney Channel, and silly jokes, she liked to laugh and make other's smile. However dispite her silly side, she was super smart, she had a serious side. She was one of a kind.

Matt in Amy's opinion, was wonderful.
He was considerate, he was funny, and he was smart.
But the one problem was he didn't see Amy as more than a friend.


Amy plopped down at her desk in her chemistry class and dropped her books down. Matt turned around in his seat. "Woah, someone is in an angry mood." He said, his voice full of amusement.

"I am not!" Amy said defensively, "I just dropped my books!" As she said this she was smiling.

"Whatever you say, Miss Behaven." Matt made her smile. He was everything to her.


No one saw her more than this cute adorable teenage girl with the childlike personality but the adult brains. She was the one everyone explained the sex jokes to, and the one who didn't know the slang.

So it's no wonder that the one guy Amy liked more than everyone else, saw her as nothing more than a sister. A sweet girl, a girl friend but not a girlfriend.


Amy added water to her her ester, it was supposed to smell like mint, but it smelled like an eraser to her. She lifted the glass dish up to smell it again and wrinkled her nose.

Matt walked by hold his dish, "What ester did you make?"

Amy smiled sheepishly, "It was supposed to be mint... but it didn't turn out." Amy held the dish up to his nose so he could smell. He wrinkled his nose.

"It smells like an eraser."

Amy laughed. "That's what I said! Anyway, what did you make?"

"Banana, but it smells more like nail polish." Amy smelled his chemical, and laughed again.

"You're right! How did you manage that?"

Matt smirked, "The same what you made your mint, eraserhead."

"Touche." Amy responded before they moved back to their lab stations to clean up.


There have been plenty of high school movies, about a nerdy girl who crushes on this amazing guy, who was out of her league. She would come to school everyday just to see him. She would buy new clothes, cut her hair, and talk really loud to her friends in hopes that he will see her in a new light. When he's sick or out on a field trip, she couldn't help but feel disappointed.

In some movies it works out, and some movies, it doesn't. This time for Amy, she wasn't so far off from her ream. She and Matt talked casually in class, and joked around. He knew her name and even helped her with calculus. He may not like her in a romantic way but at least he liked her.

But sometimes the friendship zone an even worse zone than the I-don't-know-you-zone.


Amy bounced worriedly up and down in her seat. They were about to have a Lab evaluation and she feared she would run out of time. Everyone else around her, was calm.

Unable to help herself, out of habit, Amy scanned the classroom for Matt, he wasn't there. About to feel disappointed she saw the door open and Matt walked in. He was never in a hurry, another thing she liked about him, mostly because, she was always running everywhere. As he entered a teacher was leaving, her arms full.

Amy smiled to see him hold the door open for the teacher.

She was only smiling temporarily, about Matt because the teacher allowed the class to begin the task.


"...Think about building such a plant in an area so close to homes and schools where your children---well future children, as you shouldn't have any yet--- will go." Amy laughed as Matt presented his chemistry research project about the negative impacts of natural gas.

He was actually really funny, and not given enough credit for his wit. Amy suspected this was because he hung out with Dean, who was loud and opinionated, and some how the more liked of the pair.

Of course this was not the case for Amy.

Amy saw Matt always helping Dean understand chemistry, he has way more patience that she would have had with a loud-mouth like Dean. But his patience was just another attractive factor in his personality.

Amy smiled at Matt as she left the class.


Later that night, Amy sat outside on her front porch, wrapped in a blanket. She watched the night sky. Maybe she was tired and imagining things, or maybe it really happened, but Amy swore she saw a shooting star blaze across the sky.

Taking a silly chance, Amy closed her eyes, and whispered to herself; "I wish Matt would see me as more than a friend."