Status: Still in the writing process.

On her red tide.


The pain was getting kinda unbearable for her, why must the monthly rag ordeal have to be such a pain in the ass? She looked in the mirror that was hung in the centre of her wall in the living room, and noticed her cheeks were a little rosy, more so than usual. “I sure hope this stupid pain would piss off, it’s driving me crazy. I’m talking to myself, note of pure madness. Must stop talking to yourself, Lara!” she said. All of a sudden, there was a knock on her door. Wondering who it could be, her parents weren’t due home for at least another 4 hours, she made her way to the front door. Looking through the peep hole, she gasped to herself and wondered if the period pains were now causing her to hallucinate. Surely not? “Oh my fucking God,” she whispered amongst herself in shock. Placing her hand over her mouth, she looked through the peep hole again and saw the hand from the guy who was standing in front of her door, knock it again. “Shit, I should open the door,” she said. Standing a bit away from the door so that she could open it, she reached our her arm and unlocked the front door, to make her gasp at her guest outside her door once more….

“Hi there, Lara. May I come in?” he asked.
“Of course you can, Billie.” she replied. Billie made his way in through the door and into the living room. Still awestruck and hand on the door, she was having flutters in her stomach, instead of cramps. How on Earth did Billie know where she lived? There were so many questions running through her head. Hopefully not enough to frazzle her brain from overload. Billie was sitting on her couch in the main living room, looking around and grinning. “Can I uh, get you anything, Billie?” asked Lara. He turned to her and got up.
“Actually, that’s what I was here for,” he replied.
“A cup of tea or coffee?” Lara giggled to herself.
“No, something more on the subject of the meal of the month.” he replied.
“Umm, I have no idea what you’re talking about, umm, do you mean like a soup, or what?” she wondered.
“Oh, you could say it was a soup alright,” a smirk appeared on Billie’s face. He walked closer towards her, and it started to freak her out somewhat, even despite her crush on him.
“Okay, I could look through our cupboards and see what I’ve got. Do you like tomato or chicken and leek?” she asked.
“I don’t want no ordinary soup from a can, Lara.” he replied, looking her up and done. Despite liking it somewhat, Billie was creeping her out more and more. Why is he here? Of all places? They should be rehearsing for tour right now, or at least be resting for the next show. He moved his hand and gently placed it on her shoulder. “I want you, Lara.”
“Me? As much as I’d like to take up that offer, you’re married, aren’t you?!” she said, getting kinda anxious.
“I’m not into this lurve bull crap, woman! I want your blooooood!” he said in a accent that chillingly sounded like that of Charles Manson. Wide eyed and getting freaked out more, Lara didn’t know what to say, which way to turn.. She was all alone in the house, and the neighbourhood seemed pretty unusually quiet, too. Her heart was beating faster than she could ever imagine, fluttering away like that of a hummingbird.