Sequel: To Say I Love You
Status: in the process of re-writing

Tell Me When it's Time

Seems I Have Forgotten My Purpose In This Life(Billie's POV)

I yawned and opened my eyes to find Lillie sitting at the foot of my bed.
"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked, sadness spilling from her voice.
"Tell you what?" I asked.
"That my mom was fileing custody for me," she replied.
"What the hell?" I muttered. "I haven't heard jackshit."
"The hearing's in an hour," she stated. "And she wanted me to say something like answer your damn phone or something like that. She said she called you last night."
"I apparantly didn't hear it," I said.
"I'm guessing if she does get custody of me that I'll have to pack and leave tomorrow with Joey and Jake," Lillie stated to herself.
"No, I won't let her," I said."Now I'm going to go get ready. I'll see you later."
"Alright," she said, meeting my lips for a quick kiss.
I got dressed and raced my ass over to the court room. I met my attourney at the desk that was horizontally across Adrienne's.
"Alright, Bill, you need to tell me if it's true or not," he said, whispering at a volume that only I could hear. "Did you sleep with Lillie?"
I swallowed. "Yeah, I slept with her. Multiple times to be exact."
"Multiple times?! What the hell were you thinking?!" he asked. "This could really screw things over for you!"
"I know, man, but I have feelings for her," I whispered very softly. "And no one would have known if Adrienne hadn't scammed me."
"How did she scam you?" he asked, very interested.
I pretty much gave him a huge summary of our conversation.
"Damn," he said. "This is gonna be a war."
"All rise for the judge."
I stood up with my lawyer as Adrienne and her lawyer did the same.
"You may be seated," the judge said. "Now let's get started."
********One hour later*********
"Full custody of Lillie Armstrong goes to Miss Adrienne," the judge said. "And don't you ever go near Lillie unless you are told so, you hear me, Armstrong?"
I nodded, trying to hide the tears in my eyes. Damn, how could I just let Lillie go like that?
I headed home and threw my keys onto the table, not caring if they landed. Lillie walked in and stopped, and I just couldn't look at her.
"Billie!" she exclaimed, running towards me. I embraced her in a tight hug as my tears poured from my eyes like a waterfall. "How'd it go?"
"Not well at all," I replied. "Your mother made a complete ass of me, throwing in shit such as I slept with you and how you ain't my real daughter. I was helpless in there."
I hugged her tighter as more hot tears streamed my cheeks. Lillie soon pulled away from me, and looked into my watered eyes. Her lips softly locked with mine for a gentle kiss, immediately calming my tears.
"Why don't you come help me pack," Lillie suggested," then, I can try to keep you distracted.
I immediately felt a little happier. Me and my stupid hormones.
"Alright," I said, smileing as we made our way to her room.
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Title credit: Scattered, Green Day