Sequel: To Say I Love You
Status: in the process of re-writing

Tell Me When it's Time

Someone Like You

I woke up into enough conciousness to hear people in my room. I decided to listen in.
"Billie, it's almost noon, and you havent left Lillie's side since she passed out," my mother stated worridly.
"What's so bad about a father being there when his daughter needs then?" my father asked agitatedly.
"Nothing," my mother replied. "It's just worrying me. You haven't even eaten since she passed out. She wouldn't want you to strain your health for her." She's right, you asshole. Find your senses.
"So? I'm staying here until she wakes up."
My mother sighed. "Just take five minutes? I'll look after her for you."
"You call for me if she wakes up?" my father asked. There was some silence before a creek in the chair beside my bed. "Thanks, Adie."
I felt myself start to drift back into unconciousness again. I forced myself to stay concious and started to gradually feel more conciousness. I soon woke up to see the same lustious emerald eyes.
"Dad, wh-"
"You passed out, probably by lack of sleep. You had me worried there, kiddo," my dad stated."But you're okay now, and that's all that matters to me."
There was a couple minutes of silence as I stared into his beautiful green eyes as his stared back into mine.
"Where's Joey?" I asked, not taking my eyes from his.
"Him and Jake are packing their stuff into the moving van," he replied, the hurt look on his face confusing me. "You hungry?"
"Uh, yeah, I actually am," I stated, moving my gaxe from his eyes to get out of my bed.
"You wanna go get something to eat when they leave?" he asked as I got a pair of black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt.
"Sure," I sadi as I walked into my bathroom.
I changed into my clothes and put on some mascara and eyeliner. There was a knock on the door as I just finished fixing my hair, my thoughts only of Jimmy.
"Lillie, it's me," Joey said, a little choked up. "Umm, we're I are leaving now."
I immediately unlocked and opened the door, tackling Joey in a tight bear hug as he returned the hug.
"I'm gonna miss you so much," I said, getting a little choked up myself. "Update your Facebook and text me everyday."
"You too," Joey said, trying to hide tears. "I'll let Jake know for ya."
"You don't have to," Jakob said before coming into my room to give me a hug.
Jake and I hugged tightly, then headed outside after I put on my black stelleto boots and black leather jacket.
I hugged and said goodbye once more to my mother and brothers before they climbed into a seperate car and headed down the street, never to return.
My father walked over and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I loooked up at him and saw he was staring in that direction.
"Dad, are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," he sniffed. "Why don't we go get that bite to eat noe, eh?"
"Alright," I said, walking with him towards the black BMW.
We drove to our favorite resturant and ordered the same thing.
"so, you wanna go shopping?" my father suggested.
"Sure, but I kinda wanted to go to the waterpark," I replied.
"How about we go next weekend?" my father stated.
"That sounds great," I said happily.
After we got done eating, we went to the mall, bought a few things and headed home.

******One week later******

I changed into my white peace sign bikini allong with a white t-shirt over it. I grabbed a bag and filled it with my towel, my stelletos, black skinny jeans, and sunscreen, just in case I had to reapply later. I grabbed my sunglasses, put them on, and slipped on my whie flip-flops as I walked into the living room. My father soon entered the room in his black swim trunks, a beach towel, black flip-flops, and a white under tee to cover his chest, and a pair of sunglasses in his hand, along with his changing clothes and a pair of Chucks in a seperate bag.
"You ready?" he asked.
"Hell yeah!" I just about screamed.
He put on his sunglasses and smiled widely. "Then let's go."
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title credit: Use Somebody, Kings of Leon