Sequel: To Say I Love You
Status: in the process of re-writing

Tell Me When it's Time

Spontanious Combustion On The Corners Of My Mind(Billie's POV)

It was a lie. She didn't love me the way I did love her. She loved St. Jimmy, and I was left out in the cold. I don't know why I had to feel this way about Lillie, but I do. I thought it would go away, but now it's now summer(five months since Jimmy arrived), and I still love her. I need to get my act together beforeJoey and Jakob come and notice anything off about me.
I grabbed a bottle of vodka and laid down on the couvh until there was the ring of the door bell.
"I'll get it," Lillie shouted, running to get the door.
She was wearing just one of Jimmy's long t-shirt, and I couldn't help but look, with Jimmy right behind her in just a pair of skinny jeans. I drank down a big gulp of vodka.
"Joey! Jake!" Lillie exclaimed.
"Lillie!" they exclaimed in unison, getting into a hug.
"Hey, Jimmy," Joey said."What's up, man?"
"Nothin' much," Jimmy said. "You?"
"Same," Joey said." When did you come back?"
"Lillie's birthday," Jimmy replied. "And have been living here since."
It then dawned Joey of their clothing and the info that was given to him that the two have been sleeping together. A look of hurt and anger appeared on his face. The same same way I felt when I actually walked in on the two...
I drank some more vodka.
"Does Dad know...," Joey's voice trailed off.
"Yes I do," I shouted, taking in more vodka as I made my way off the couch and walked to meet my sons. I was tackled with a hug from Jakob. "Hey, buddy."
"Hi Dad," Jake said.
"Why don't you guys go get settled in," I suggested.
"Alright," the boys said as they walked, with their stuff, to their rooms.
Jimmy's arm wrapped around Lillie's waist as they walked to their room. I drank down the last of the vodka. I headed to my liquor cabinet and only found a bottle of tequila.
"Dammit," I muttered as I grabbed the last bottle of liquor.
At some point, Joey had made his way into the room. I popped open the bottle and drank down some of the hard liqour.
"Dad, what's wrong?" Joey asked.
"Nothing," I said, wincing a bit at the usual bitter taste.
"Bullshit," Joey said.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"You heard me. You only drink when something's bothering you," Joey replied. "Is it Jimmy?"
"What does Jimmy have to do with me drinking?" I asked.
"Everytime I see you look at Lillie, your eyes are full with lust and love," Joey replied."It's killing you to see him have her."
"But she's my-"
"It doesn't matter, Dad," Joey interupted.
I stood there in confusion. "You're trying to say I'm in love with my daughter?"
"Yes, Dad, that's excactly what I'm saying. I know you do, too," Joey replied. "Is it more than Jimmy?"
"She said that she loved me," I stated," and we almost had sex."
I took another long swig of tequila as Joey asked,"Really? You almost had sex?"
"Yes," I replied. "I don't know what's wrong with me, but I know these feelings I have for Lillie will never end."
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Title Credit: Castaway, Green Day