Sequel: A Cry or a Scream

A Word or A Letter


(Parentheses mean Japanese)[i/]
Pino started calling me mom. She said she already had an uncle, Ichabod. When I pointed out she already had a mom, she denied it.

She had made quick friends with the kids at school. She went over to their houses a lot, so half the time it was just me and Tom. I was a part time student and worked nights, as well as tom. He went home earlier though, because his daughter was more important than his job.

“Mom, Dad, tonight is parent teacher night, can you come?” Pino charged in excitingly through the door.

“What time is it?” Tom asked.

“5 o’clock!”

Tom had off today, and I could call in sick, or just be late.


Pino introduced Tom and I to her teacher. I bowed and Tom waved.

The teacher was very pleased with Pino’s work, despite the fact that Japanese was not her first language. He just recommended we speak it at home. Seeing that Tom was lost, I translated for him. He nodded.

“(Are you two…um…together?)” asked the teacher.

I nodded. We lived together, took care of Pino together…

“What did he ask?” Tom questioned.

“If we were taking care of Pino together.”

Tom raised an eyebrow, but nodded his head to the teacher.

“(So for how long?)”

“(We’ve known each other for about six years, but we’ve lived together for six months.)” I explained.

“(I see. How do you think it affects Pino?)” Knowing Tom knew more about Pino than I did, I asked him.

“How does us living together affect Pino?”

Tom explained how his wife left, the airplane incident, and our current situation. How Pino called me “mom”, as if she forgot hers.

“(Well, good luck to the both of you! I think your marriage will last quite well!)”

I’m confused. “(Excuse me?)”

“(Pino told me of you two being engaged…)”

I turned to Tom and translated, saying, “I agreed to no engagement.”

Tom’s eyes grew wide with realization.

“He thinks we’re together, like, dating! And apparently, so does Pino!”

I’m an idiot.

“(Sir, there has been a misunderstanding. Tom and I are just friends.)” I explained.

The teacher laughed. “(Oh my, so sorry, you two just seem as if… you have such a connection, such chemistry!)”

I blushed deep red as I translated to Tom. He only got to light pink.