Sequel: A Cry or a Scream

A Word or A Letter

First Brake Up

3 months later

I am currently attending University. I don’t greatly enjoy this school, but I paid for it, so I’ll tough it out. The people attending here are rich and spoiled. The girls are annoyingly rude. The males are stuck-up, as if they could take over the world in a day. I only have two acquaintances here. A pair of identical twins. Todd and Ichabod Crane. We talk on occasion, but they seem to have the same people issues as me. They want to be told apart, they don’t want to be told apart. Even their workaholic parents could not tell who was who. But I noticed their differences immediately. They respected my quiet behavior. At first they were weary of me, but now, you could almost call us best friends.

Everyone in the school was more than likely going to inherit a company, and that’s why they wanted to be friends with the twins. The twin’s mom was a fashion designer, and their father owned a computer company. But I had no social standing or company to uphold. I had nothing to gain by being friend’s with hem. And that’s why we all got along so well.
We are now in an empty library room. Tom was telling me a story about Ichabod, who was blushing, and I was faintly listening, focusing most of my attention on my novel.

“…hey…Hey! John!” My head shot up to the sound of the twins voices.


“Can we go over to your house after school?” Ichabod asked, ignoring the fact that I was not listening to them before.


“We want to see your house. Afterwards, you can come over to our place!” That was Tom.

“No. You guys are going to make fun of me,” I responded, crossing my arms. They were rich, probably had a huge house. I had a two bedroom condo. They were known for making fun of people, and I doubt I was an exception.

“No we won’t! We promise!” They pleaded in unison. And here come the eyes. “Please…” Those are the eyes.

“Fine…” I mumbled, looking away to hide my blush from admitting defeat.



“You walk home?” Tom asked when we reached the outside gate of the school.

“Yes,” I replied.

“We’ll just take our car. You can give us directions.” Ichabod said. Made sense. This way, they would not have to walk back to school to get their car.

The ride to my house was short, maybe five minutes. It felt longer, because the twins were dead silent. I’ve never heard them be quiet before. It was kind of creepy. And from what I could see, their Cheshire cat smiles were not a good sign.

Tom parked the car (which I was amazed he knew how to do) and they stared in amazement at my building. Wonder why.

“This place is huge! I thought you lived like a poor person, but you’re doing pretty well!” They thought the whole building was mine. That’s why.

“I only live in one of the units, stupid,” I mumbled. I am amazed that we became friends.

They continued to talk, but as usual, I ignored their batter. I just want to make it up the stairs and through the door without going insane. But when I got to the door, someone was already there, knocking.

“Miss, may I help you?”

“JOHN!” The woman yelped excitedly.

“Do I know you?” I asked. I do not recognize this woman, and only a few people know where I live.

“How can you- It’s me John! I’m Cynthia’s friend, we went on a date once, remember?” She
questioned worriedly. So it’s her. Of all times and places. Blast. This will not end well.

“How did you find out where I lived?”

“I asked Jackson, and he said that your old boss might know. You only quit recently, so he still had your information. It had your address and phone number. I tried calling, but you never answered, so I decided to visit,” she finished quietly. That little stalker! After three months of not having contact with each other, she still assumes we have social ties to each other. God, she’s so stupid!

“Miss, you must leave. After three months of not even seeing each other, you assume we are friends?” That was the nicest way I could put it. She is so dense, so I’ll have to be blunt.

“What do you mean?”

Then, Tom decided to step in. “Listen, John does not want anything to do with you anymore! Can’t you see that?”

She backed up a step, stunned to see the twins even there. Had she not noticed? She almost looked as if she were about to cry. Then, something changed. She stood taller, her face became scornful. I’m kind of scared.

“Now I see. You play with a girl’s heart, and then when she comes running back to you, you crush her. Like a bug. You disgust me. HOW COULD YOU BE SO HEARTLESS?” And with those final words she screamed, she bolted down the concrete stairs.