Sequel: A Cry or a Scream

A Word or A Letter

Suicidal Memories

In Tom’s hands rested a photo album. “What do we have here?”

Flipping the cover open, they glanced at the first page. “Aww! You were so cute when you were little John!” Ichabod exclaimed.

As they were skimming the pages, they said in unison, “Why didn’t you want us to see it?”

“It’s embarrassing!” I tried to explain. It was awkward to know they were looking at my baby pictures when we weren’t that close.

Catching both Tom and Ichabod off guard, I snatched the book away. “Give that back!”

“No,” I stated stubbornly, “you guys should not be going through people’s personal property!” my feet firmly planted on the ground, I thought about what to do next. I decided on saying “OW!”

The Crane twins had tackled me to the ground! “Get off of me!” I cried. Even after having the wind knocked out of me, I still maintained proper grammar.

“Give back the book John!” tom demanded. As his arm reached around me to my left, I used my right to push him away.

“Never!” unfortunately, I forgot to take into account the more timid twin, who snatched my childhood right out of my grasp.

Our mock fight only lasted about a minute more. Tom ended up with the scrapbook, which he and his brother were currently flipping through.

With confused faces, they questioned, “Why does it end when you were twelve?” Knowing the question would eventually come up, I was prepared.

“That was when… a very good friend of mine committed suicide.”

Memories I had long locked away began to resurface. When we first met. It was my first day in a new school. They welcomed me. Did not ask why I wore a top hat, or why I spoke the way I did. When we went on our first date. They had asked me out, and I had accepted. We went to a tea shop, one of my favorites. They got me my old job in the book store.

When I heard the news, I was shocked; I remember their laughter, their smile. I don’t remember their face, their name, or even their gender. I had asked myself, “How could I not have known? How could I have prevented this? If I could not prevent the sadness and death of one of the people closest to me, what was I?”

I released all this to the twins, my eyes drowning in tears. I needed to warn them that this friendship would not work out. Ignoring my rant, they enveloped me in an embrace. Tom said something that almost healed me.

“We will not let you down. We will always be here.” This caused a whole new waterfall of tears. As I buried my eyes into Ichabod’s shirt, as I felt the warmness of their bodies, I knew Tom spoke the truth.