They Say True Love Is All You Need...

Welcome To New Jersey

*Victoria’s point of view*

A week later and a lot of packing up my life into boxes before I found my feet firmly on the hot tarmac of New Jerseys airport. I stood at the exit with a lot of suitcases and a four year old asleep and totally oblivious to the world around him and the strain he was inflicting on my tired arms. To any passers by the scene may have been amusing, to me I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry so I chose both.

The tiredness from the weeks packing and flight caused me to become delirious at laugh cause my eyes to brim with tears, cascading down my face. Crazy wouldn’t be in it, the reason was unbeknownst to me, whether it was pure tiredness or relief at finally being in New Jersey and being truly more happy than I have been in four year not counting Atticus’ birth.

Twenty minutes later and Ainy pulled up in her blacked out car, upon looking at me she broke down into fits of laughter wheezing in order to catch her breath.

“Any chance you could help me here?” I asked laughing.

“Yeas… sure” she replied between her gasps for breath reaching for a suitcase to place in the car.

Twenty minutes and a lot of struggling later we managed to stuff the suitcases in the boot with some overflowing into the back seat where Atti was now placed.

“So are you excited to be home?” Ainy asked me as we drove to her place.

“Yeas I am soo pleased” I replied.

“Im so excited you here, its going to be a riot!” she replied chuckling.

“Oh the guys are coming back from the tour in two days, so Atti will get to see his daddy and I will get to see my love monkey” she replied laughing

“Are you trying out new nicknames again?” I asked giggling.

“Yea im trying to get one that will stick” she replied laughing.

“Well that’s good then I can surprise them,” I replied.

“You surely will, you like this surprising people thing don’t ya?” she asked smiling.

“I do” I replied as we pulled into the driveway.

“Here it is, grab the kid and come in” she replied running to open the front door.

Atticus suddenly roused from his slumber slightly confused.
“Were in New Jersey honey” I replied brushing the hair away from his little face.

“Noo Jeursey” he repeated.

We entered Ainy and Mikes house and I was blown away. It was so like them, you could instantly tell it was their house which I loved. Ainy was always a good decorator you could tell where Mikes had got his little mark in, such as the unicorn poster in the hallway, then in the kitchen I found the biggest coffee machine known to man, which was so like these two caffeine junkies.

We had a blast the week before the guys got home. I got a tour of our old stomping grounds the tree where I first kissed Gee, our old school, and Ainy’s tattoo shop where she worked.

“So Donna has organised a dinner for us and the boys on Saturday” Ainy explained.

“I see, I haven’t seen her in ages” I replied whimsically.

“Yeah, she would love to see Atti im sure” Ainy suggested.

“Oh yeah of course. Do you think she hates me?” I asked.

“No I don’t think so” she encouraged.

Before I knew it, it was Friday and we were at the airport to get the guys. I had to drive Ainy and Mikes other car and Ainy drove the other.

I felt antsy and nervous, I was excited to see the guys even though I had only seen them a week before.

*Gerard’s point of view*

Our plane had just landed and we were waiting to get our backs. Tiredness was washing over me and I really hoped Frank could get his short little arms to pull his bag off the belt so we could hurry up and go home already! I was really wish Connie hadn’t come to the airport because I dreaded seeing her, the rose tinted glasses were starting to fall and I wasn’t so attracted to her.

Finally once Frank managed to wrestle his bags from the conveyor belt so we could finally move towards the arrivals lounge. It was here that I was happy to see Ainy standing there with another woman my eyes were blurry with tiredness that I couldn’t make out who it was. Mikey ran towards Ainz and greeted her, I found myself having to turn way with envy.

Then all of a sudden a little black ball ran towards me it moved too fast that my eyes couldn’t register who it was, My mind thought it couldn’t be Atti until he was launched in my arms causing me to stumble and I smelt his play dough and strawberry shampoo scent and I embraced him quizzically.

“Heylo daddy” he replied excitedly.

“ I love you” I replied not realising how much I had actually missed him.

Bob I realised had moved towards the woman I knew now t be Vicky kissing her gentle on the lips, my stomach churned at this. I saw a look of… could it be discomfort? This however didn’t stop me being envious that I could greet my son but also be with his mother.

To add to my misery I found myself one of the passengers in Vicky’s car, which hi didn’t mind because I got to talk to Atti but the experience was slightly tarnished by the addition of Bob. I found myself slightly annoyed that I couldn’t accept their relationship which to be fair hadn’t really begun.

“Bob I think im going to run you home first because you’re the furthest away” Vicky explained to him smiling.

“Ok that makes sense” he replied doe eyed.

The journey consisted mainly of Bob trying to have a conversation with Vicky and Atti and I making faces in the back to passers by and the back of Bobs head, which occasionally cause Vicky to giggle when she caught our reflection in the mirror.

Finally we were in the car alone on the way to my mom’s house.

“So when did you decide to move back?” I asked.

“A few days or so after I got home from tour” she replied.

“Im glad your back” I replied honestly.

“Im glad your glad” she responded giggling.

“So how have you been?” she asked, to some it would seem a reasonable question but I knew she just wanted to know if I had been drinking.

“I’ve been good” I replied blandly knowing that my answer would annoy her a loving every minute.

“Were here” she replied “Atti this grandma and grandpa Way’s house” she continued.

My mom made her way into the driveway to greet me.

“Hey honey” she greeted me arms wide open as I opened the door and got out.

“Hey mom” I replied as she folded herself in my arms.

“Is that him?” she asked quizzically

“Yeah, Vicky’s also in the car” I explained.

“Hey stranger” she greeted directing her attention towards Vicky as she got out of the car.

“Atticus, this is your grandma” Vicky explained picking Atti up and helping him get out.

Atticus smiled shyly before allowing my mom to hug him and take him inside for a treat.

“Can you help me carry my cases in?” I asked.

“Sure” she replied opening the trunk and lifting out a suitcase.

“This place hasn’t changed” Vicky reminisced as she sat on the bed to catch her breath from carrying my heavy suitcase down the stairs leading to my room.

“Nope” I replied.

I reached under the table to plug in my laptop charger, not realising Vicky had began to look at he picture s on my wall of her and superheroes etc until I stood up and was suddenly close enough to feel her warm breath on my face.

Her scent flooded back to me the same smell, herbal essences shampoo and her lamb perfume. I dint know whether it was the scent taking me back to old times but suddenly her lips looked so tempting and she didn’t appear to back away. Before I realised it, the gap between us was closing in until my lips hovered slightly about hers. Allowing myself to succumb to the wave of rebelliousness coursing through me, I touched her lips with mine before slowly deepening the kiss, our tongues fighting for dominance.

We seemed both caught up in the moment when we pulled away amicably, I tried to catch my breath. I could read her eyes like I usually could so I couldn’t detect her feelings. She stood a little taken aback before touching her swollen lips and declaring “We shouldn’t have done that”.

I was a little hut, but knew it was true; it wasn’t fair on Bob to do this. He’s one of my best friends and I still had Connie no matter how much I was growing apart from her it still didn’t make it right.

My mom made her way down the steps. “Is it okay if Atticus stays the night?” she asked hopefully.

“Sure if it wouldn’t put you out” Vicky replied faking a smile.

“Of course not” she replied “Your coming to dinner tomorrow night right?” she continued.

“Yea” Vicky responded.

“Good you can take him home after that then yea?” she asked.
“Sounds good to me” Vicky replied.

My mom soon disappeared and we were left standing in the thick awkward air.

“I should probably go now, make sure Atti gets to bed at a reasonable time ok?” she asked.

“Ok, sure” I replied words failing me.

She climbed the stairs and left me there at the scene of the crime. With lust and wanting in my heart…
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Hey guys! i'm soooo sorry ofr the long wait. I've been busy with GCSE'S then a journalism course then i went on holiday and iI've only got a chance to write it now. I hpe you enjoy. Thank-yo ufor not abandoning the story completly.

Again this is dedicated to all my readers:
Unapologetic Apathy
Lucifer's Angel
La Viole Blanche
Murder By Music
Mad As A Hatter