

I smiled in complete calm, watching the sun rise into the still dark sky. Lighting up the day, with shades of orange and purple. My view not blocked by windows, or ceilings, just the open air of a city rooftop. The air was slightly chilled, but not cold enough to warrant a jacket.

The sun, high in the sky, noon maybe? I’m not sure. The sun bright, the sounds from the ground below muffled by my height. I had to be at least six stories up from the ground. A small smile playing on my mouth at the view I held up here. My own little world, and no one knew it.

I sat there still, watching the sun fade in the sky. Tinting the surrounding atmosphere with beautiful hues of pink, blue, and purple. The cars and people passing by looked like ants from my perch. The wind softly tousled my bangs in and out of my eyes. The surrounding air felt serene, comforting.

I don’t know how long I sat there, watching the people and the sky, but I do know it was late. The sun had long faded into the horizon, leaving a midnight blue sky, dotted with twinkling stars, and a beautiful full moon big enough to catch any ones attention.

The days came and went, my little world sat still, undisturbed my anyone but myself. No one who came and went, no one to just stop by. Keeping my sanity, or insanity as some would refer to it as, in check. To say I missed civilization would be a flying leap into the deep end. I missed it like one would miss a thorn in their shoes.

Years passed, the seasons too. But still I sat unmoved, unchanged. My bangs still blew into my eyes. My eyes still watched the sun, and the ant people. I still felt completely at peace, and I wasn’t bothered once by anyone. No one gazed up at me, the crazy teenager seated on the edge of the building. No one whispered, no one came up, and I was satisfied, finally.

After the calm, serene 15 years I spent on the rooftop, I stood up brushed off my worn, faded jeans and walked down the staircase, fading into the darkness of it’s enclosure.
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Yeah so, ;D I was listening to Yiruma the whole time i wrote this. Erm HOPE YOU ENJOYED :D