Romance Is At Fever Pitch

Chapter Two

Two days later, we are flown all the way to New York to do signings and to record our first album. We have a month to do it because that is when we are due to tour with the unknown band. We still have no idea which band it is going to be, but apparently they are very successful.

At this point I am getting slightly nervous. I think the whole band is nervous, too. This has never happened to us so we have no idea what to expect.

While the other guys were in our little recording studio, I went to find the toilet. I was walking though the corridors of the WB offices, looking at the various artists on the wall. I came across an My Chemical Romance poster, and smiled. They are one of my major influences. Plus, I have a major crush on Gerard. I would love to meet him and tell him how much he has inspired me to be who I am today. I started to read the poster. It read:

“MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE! Touring in a town near you this summer with an up-and-coming band from England!”

I put two and two together and started thinking that maybe that means us. Before I knew it, I was running back to studio, the toilet totally forgotten. I blasted into the room and tried to say what I wanted to say.

“I..was...just...," I coughed out.

Thats all I could manage to cough out before the guys looked at me like I was insane. Trev came running to me, saying “What the hell are you trying to say! Breath, woman, breath!”

I took a deep breath and started again. “I just looked at the My Chemical Romance poster in the hall and it said, 'Touring in a town near you this summer with an up-and-coming band from England!'"

I took another breath and continued, “Do you think that could be us, guys?”

CJ got up from the sofa and walked over to me. “It could can we be that lucky? I have to see this for myself. Claire, c'mon and show me this poster,” he said.

In the end, they all followed me to the poster. Danny turned to me and said, “Well, it looks like it could be. We have to ask Steve about it. I'll give him a call.”

We all went back to studio and waited for Danny to get an answer from Steve.

Danny's P.O.V

“Hey, Steve. We have a question for ya. Claire passed a poster in the corridor at the studio and..." Before I could finished my sentence, he answered.

“What? You mean the My Chemical Romance poster?” he asked.

“'d ya know?”

“Lucky guess. I was going to tell you guys today but it seems as if you have already found out. You'll be touring with My Chemical Romance, if that's what you were going to ask. I wanted to tell you in person,” Steve said.

“Oh whoa...I'll tell the to ya later, bye,” I said, hanging up.

I ended the call and saw everybodys excited, wondering faces.

“Well then, what did he say?” Claire asked, her beautiful green shinning with excitement.

I really do like her, but I can never tell her. I snapped out of my trance and answered her question.

“Fever Pitch will be touring with My Chemical fucking Romance!” I yelled.

I stopped smiling as Claire jumped up and hugged us all. She looked the most excited one out of us all. We all know she has a massive crush on Gerard, which really hurts me but I know she will never feel the way I do about her. She considers me her brother, and nothing else. Sometimes it feels like someone ripping my heart out and stamping on it.

Claire's P.O.V

After I hugged everyone I could see the pain in Danny eyes. I know he likes me, but I just don't think of him that way. It's going to be hard for him when I'm around Gerard. He knows I like him a lot, but who said that he's going to like me back. We're just follow artists. We have to be professional.
But a little bit inside of me wants him to like me.
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thanks again hun for editing it sounds some much to read lol xoxo