Status: I'm new here in Mibba. So please bare with me. :)

I Should Have Known


"Bye Dani! Take Care alright?” She smiled and then I gave her a big warm hug and a peck on her cheek. She needs to go back to L.A. because she needs to attend some appointments regarding their wedding. I’m so excited for them! Then she hugged Joe, Nick then Courtney. Psh, I believe that hug for Courtney was fake. Trust me, I know.

“Aww.” I let out an aww when I saw Kevin and Danielle kiss and said I love you’s to each other before she got in the car. Big Rob’s taking her home. Then she opened her window to bid us goodbye once again. “Bye Dani!” we all waved to her as the car accelerates and gets smaller and smaller.

“I just can’t wait for you guys to get married!” I told Kevin.

He giggled. “Me too, Melly. I can’t wait for that day either.” As he put his arm around me and we all went inside.

I sat on the couch then turned on the T.V. “Oh white chicks is on!” It was one of my favorite comedy movies of all time. So, I tuned up the volume and slouched. Kevin went to his room cause he said he needed to take a nap.

Then Joe suddenly jumped on the couch beside me with a Ben and Jerry’s on his hand. I turned to look at him. “What?” he said. “You know eating Ben and Jerry’s again might give you a toothache. Just saying.”

He ate a scoop and said, “I can’t help it, its beyond delicious.” And he was mumbling. I just shook my head. “Besides, I know you’ll still love me even though I have a tooth missing.” He grinned.

I burst out laughing as I put my palm on my mouth to stop myself from laughing. “Oh Joe.” I kept on laughing. “What’s funny?” he said. I pulled out the mirror on the table in front of us and gave it to him. “See for yourself.”

Then he suddenly burst out of laughter too. Finally he knew that he has chocolate on his teeth. “Let’s take a picture Melly!” He goofily said. He took out his phone then he grinned and said, “Cheese!” I was pointing and looking at his teeth. “Hah, we look so funny.” I told him. Then we chuckled once more.

As we ran out of laughter, awkward silence comes along. “So, uhm, are we good Joe?” I asked him seriously. “You know, I would rather have a best friend than nothing.” There goes Mr. sweety-seriously-looks-you-in-the-eyes Joe again. I kinda blushed somehow.

“So we’re good?” I asked him once again. “Yup.” He said. Then I hugged him tightly. I’m so thankful for Joe. He’s such an understanding guy. I can’t believe Camilla broke up with him. Then we spend an hour or two laughing our asses off watching White Chicks in the living room.
“Hey girl. What’s up?” I hear someone talking on the phone while I was in the kitchen. I hear clicking of heels. Who wears heels inside a house? Oh yeah, Courtney. Who was she talking to again? When she passed by me in the kitchen, she lowered down her voice and quickly paced her way outside to the porch. I walked slowly and silently towards the window and knelt to eavesdrop once again. I know it’s not good to eavesdrop. But come on guys, it’s Courtney!

“No, no one will know that I’m cheating on Nick. I have to stick with him, he’s way popular it’s good for my image. I need the publicity. Yes Kiki, now tell George I’ll be meeting him really soon.” What did I just hear? My mouth turned into and O shape.

“That bitch.” I said as silent as possible then I ran to my room. I heard what I needed to hear.

“I knew it!” I yelled as I walk around my room, stuttering. She was cheating on Nick the whole time. What should I do? I should tell him right now right?

“Ow!” I bumped into my study table then my personal box that was filled with pictures from the past fell on the floor and the pictures were scattered all over. “Shit!” bummed, my attention was now focused on picking up the pictures.

Someone knocked on my door. “Come in!” I said. It was Nick as soon as he got in my room. He curiously looked at me and said, “Do you need help with that?” I answered him. “Yeah sure.” Then he knelt down and helped me.

“Hey, is that?” Nick said as he was pointing to a picture that I was holding. “Yup.” I nodded and he took the picture from me and looked at it.

“I remember this one. It’s our first official date.” He glanced at me and smiled. The picture was from the skating rink and we were holding hands smiling at the camera. I can’t remember who took it but it was a great memory. “Yeah, it was our first official date. We decided to go ice-skating.” I said.

“And, it’s the first time we held hands as a couple.” ‘Couple’. When we used to be a couple. Nick, you’re making it hard. Anyway, I just gave him a weak smile.

As we go on picking up the pictures, our hands accidentally met each other. Nick held my finger like asking access if he can hold my hand. So I intertwined my hand in his. Then our eyes met. “I miss you.” Nick said gazing into my eyes, deeper into my soul making me weak to my bones asking me to say I miss you too. “I miss you too.” I fuckin miss you so so much. If only he knew. The next thing I knew, our heads were getting closer, lips were getting closer and closer a few more centimeters and we will kiss.

“Uhm, I’m hungry.” Nick stuttering. “I need to pee.” I quickly paced to my bathroom and he left my room.

“What the fuck Melody Jane? Control yourself!” I said to myself as I lean to my bathroom door. Nick was about to kiss me. He was about to kiss me, WE were about to kiss! I walked around the bathroom. Rubbing my palms together.

“I need to relax.” I walked out of my bathroom, grabbed my SLR and walked straight down the stairs. Taking pictures would be the perfect way to relax myself. Then I found Joe slouching on the couch playing brick breaker on his blackberry.

My evil little senses came into me. “Hey Joe!” I called him. Then he looked at me curiously. I quickly snapped a picture of his confused face and then gave him a smirk. “This is awesome.” I giggled softly as I look at his picture on my SLR. “Hey! What was that for?” Joe said. I didn’t answer him. I went straight to the porch to take some pictures. Gotcha Joseph.

I breathed in heavily then I peeked in through my SLR moved to my right, adjusted my lens and snapped a picture of the ground with fallen leaves from the trees. “Beautiful.” Few more pictures from that view. Now I’m relaxed. I looked to the left side peeking in my SLR, zooming my lens, I see Nick sitting on top of the picnic wooden table. I looked away. He’s so beautiful. So I snapped a picture of him in side view. “Way handsome.” As I looked at his picture.

He looked so serious though. Was it because of the close enough kiss a while ago? Maybe he felt awkward about it. Should I go talk to him? Something in my heart tells me that I should.

So I went down then sat on the wooden picnic table and set my SLR beside me. “Hey.” I told him. “Hey Melly.” He smiled weakly. “I’m sorry about what happened a while ago.” He continued. “No, it’s okay! I’m sorry too. I’m sorry if it felt awkward.” I told him while swaying my feet.

“No. It didn’t felt awkward. The reason why I stopped because, I felt like I really wanted to kiss you.” OH MY GOD. Please tell me this isn’t happening.

The blood through my veins are getting hot. My cheeks are starting to heat up. I just wanted to scream. I wanted to kiss him right now. Not yet Melly, not yet. Then silence comes along. But I decided to cut it off.


“Hmm?” He looks at me. His attention is on me now.

“I need to tell you something.” Wait, what should I tell him first? The real reason why I broke up with him or Courtney doesn’t love him and she’s cheating on him? Damn it!
♠ ♠ ♠
So what do you think Melly should say to Nick first? Hmmm.
I'm sorry it took so long to update. :(