Forever in the eyes of Never

Weird things happen on starry nights in small town.

Josh sat back and watched as Torri lapped Kevin. Kevin has been riding dirt bikes since he could walk, and Torri has always been big on anything with wheels. Kevin was riding his new Suzuki RM 250 2007 while Torri was stuck on his old KLX110L, and she still beat him.

“Kevin, we’re on your own yard track and I still kicked your ass!” Torri said after taking her helmet off.

“Shut up!” Kevin said throwing his helmet to the ground.

“Aw Kev, don’t be like that! It’s not my fault I’m faster that you!” Torri mocked as she took off her borrowed shirt and chest gear.

Kevin just frowned and shook his head, knowing he would get her back in a few minutes.

Josh laughed at the site of them two bickering.

“You think this is funny Josh? She’d kick your ass too! But you didn’t want to race her!” Kevin said falling down next to him in the grass.

“Scared? Typical Josh.” Torri laughed as the boys looked up and took in the site of Torri in her short black dance spankies and a neon yellow tank top. Her red pig tails clashed making them seem redder. “What, afraid that a girl is faster than you?” Torri asked getting red in the face.

“You, faster than me? Right.” Josh laughed.

Torri crossed her arms and shook her head at his cockiness before she leaned down to lick his cheek then taking off.

“You little! I’m going to get you!” Josh yelled said jumping up and running after a fleeing Torri.

“Catch me if you can!” She yelled over her shoulder as she ran for the pool. Jumping up on to the deck she waited.

Josh thought he had her. He slowly walked up the three or four steps and launched himself in her direction. She jumped out of the way, as he splashed into the water. Kevin came running after he heard the splash. He laughed when he found Josh standing in the slightly chilled water and Torri laughing victoriously.

“Yeah, I’m sorry Josh. You are very much faster than me!” Torri laughed as Josh sent a glare her direction.

“Wow Josh. That’s all I’m going to say, wow!” Kevin laughed. “Torri, watch…too late.”

Torri felt cold wet arms wrap around her and pull her into the water. Water rushed around her head, into her mouth, she didn’t dare to scream, and before she knew it she was being cradled in two strong arms. Her heart wouldn’t stop racing and her head wouldn’t stop spinning she felt as if she was flying. She hated it, she wanted to die.

“You two get out of there right now! That water hasn’t been cleaned, it’s disgusting! Joshua! Torri! Out now! You two are going to get sick!” Kevin’s mom Colleen yelled running off the back porch, grabbing the beach towels off the table.

Slowly they climbed the latter out of the pool, they were standing on the deck dripping wet and shivering. Torri felt the color go from her face as she looked down and saw her shirt was only covering her boobs, leaving her abdomen exposed. Kevin Swiftly pulled down her shirt and threw a towel at her. She wrapped the towel around her and looked down as Josh took the other towel from Colleen and dried himself off.

“Come on man, I’ll get you some dry clothes.” Kevin breathed as Josh fallowed him to the house.

“He likes you, you know.” Colleen said after she heard the screen door slam.

“Who?” Torri asked as she began to shiver.

“Josh. Come on now, I’m sure Kevin has something you can wear.” Colleen said putting her arm around Torri’s shoulders as they walked to the house.

“Kevin, find some clothes for Torri to wear.” Colleen said as she helped Torri to Kevin’s sister’s bed room.

“Yeah, sure mom. If I can find anything small enough to fit her.” Kevin whined through his closed door.

“Well you know damn well that is she wears anything of your sisters she flip, so find something for her.” She said in her mother voice.

“Fine! Here, some of my old boxers, and a t-shirt” Kevin said throwing them at his mom and walking back into his room.

Laying in the living room that night

“Hey Kevin. You awake?” josh whispered into the dark.

“What do you want?”Kevin whispered back.

“Is Torri awake?”

“Yes, Josh. I’m awake.” Torri whispered sitting up onto her elbows, “shut up before you wake Colleen and Joe up!”

“Come on, let’s go outside.” Kevin said getting up and opening the door as softly, the other two fallowed quickly and quietly.

“What do you want, Josh?” Torri asked as she sat on the patio chair, bringing her knees to her chest and hugging them for warmth.

“Yeah, really. It’s like almost two in the morning.” Kevin whined, falling on to another chair.

“Well, I need your guys’ help…” Josh stalled.

“With?” The other two asked at the same time, before they both giggled.

“Well, all night I’ve been thinking about this girl, and I really want to do something about it, but I don’t know what to do… and I thought that you two being the third and forth party that has nothing to do with me and this girl , could maybe help me…” Josh stammered never meeting either of their eyes.

“I don’t want anything to do with this!” Kevin spat as he stood up and went back in the house, leaving Torri and Josh alone.

“Uhm, who’s this, uhm, girl?” Torri asked, her eyes never leaving the ground.

“She’s…well I can’t tell you her name just yet, but she’s amazing. She can laugh at anything, she always makes me smile. I always want to be around her. She respects people’s morels and expects them to do the same. When I piss her off she will show it by making a fool of me, then laughing it off. Oh, and not to mention she looks great in everything, and she can kicks ass at everything she does.” Josh said smiling as he described this girl to a shaking Torri. “Hey, Tor. You cold?”

Torri nodded hugging her legs closer to her body. Knowing that wasn’t the only reason she was shivering.

“Here, stand up.. Josh said helping her to her feet, sitting down where she was, and then he pulled her on to his lap. She curled into his body, welcoming the warmth and his touch.

“She sounds pretty amazing…” Torri Chocked out.

“She is…” Josh said putting his head on hers.

“Uhm, I think you should just tell her how you feel.” Torri said after a short pause.

“I would, if I thought I had the slightest chance with her…” Josh let out a long sigh “She would never like me.”

Torri picked her head up and look at him straight in the eyes, “She’d be crazy not too…”

They stared at each other for a few moments, before Josh shook his head and looked up.

“So, you’re saying I should just tell her how I feel, and if she doesn’t like me, then she’s crazy?” he said looking at her as she laid her head back down on his chest.

“Yeah, and who ever she is, if she doesn’t like you , then she doesn’t deserve you.” She said as she drifted to sleep.

“Torri…?” Josh whispered.

“Mhmm?” Torri breathed.

“Did you know that when a penguin finds their mate they stay together for the rest of their lives?” Josh asked looking down at her almost sleeping face.

“That’s nice…” Torri whispered curling more into him.

“Be my penguin?” Josh asked, a smile slipping on to his face.

Torri’s eyes shot open, as the hints fit together one by one. She lifted her head to look at him, her lips curving slightly at the corners. Nodding, her lips crashed to his, it felt like it could put time in a stand still. The kiss was gentle but rough at the same time. His tongue danced on the outside of her lips as she granted him entrance. They kiss turned hard, and deep within moments, Torri was turned around facing him now and he mind was racing. She pulled away for a breath as he laid his forehead on hers and they looked into each other’s eyes. He leaned down and kissed her nose as she giggled.

“Aw! You two are so cute! Finally!” Kevin gushed as he shoved the screen door open and ran over to the two beaming teenagers.

Torri giggled as she buried her face in Josh’s chest.

“He’s my penguin…” Torri giggled, as she looked up at her new bright eyed man.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is for Etta.
I love you kid.
Should i keep this going?

