Sequel: Like Never Before
Status: I rewrote the final chapter. This tale is officially completed.

A Poetic Retelling of an Unfortunate Romance

The Aftermath

Nothing good ever comes from Prom after parties.

The only things that happen at them are underage drinking, drug use, dancing so vulgar that it wouldn’t be allowed on MTV, and sex, lots and lots of teenagers having alcohol fueled sexual encounters.

It would be nice to say that Ella was an exception, that she didn’t fall into temptation but Ella had never been one for denying herself of fun. That was one of her bad qualities, she gave into temptation to easily, she loved having fun more than she should and her love of fun, led her to a nearby hotel room that Roscoe procured for them.

Going to the hotel hadn’t been premeditated, no, Roscoe hadn’t dreamt of taking Ella to bed that night. Correction, Roscoe had dreamt of taking her to bed, he’d spent many nights dreaming of taking her to bed but he didn’t think that Ella would be willing to go which is why he was so shocked when Ella asked him if he wanted to leave Riley’s backyard to go somewhere more private.

The teenagers ended up driving to Hotel Erwin and securing a room where they’d be able to give into their carnal desires. The woman tending to them shot them disapproving looks but no rude comments were said, hormonal teenagers were the most frequent patrons of the hotel.

In a matter of minutes the teenagers had entered their hotel room. Their lips were on each others in a fury, his arms snaked around her waist, her hands tugged at his hair and they both struggled to reach the queen sized bed where they would lay.

They eventually reached the bed, Ella lay down on the mattress and Roscoe climbed atop her figure. His eyes scanned hers, searching for a sign that would tell him to stop, but he found none, Ella was comfortable with going through with things and Roscoe, oh, he had been waiting for that moment for years.

Their lips once again connected, this time more passionately than the last. No time was wasted on innocent kisses; there would be nothing innocent about their evening, nothing remotely sweet or tender; of that both teens were certain.

Soon Ella was straddling Roscoe, letting him place savage kisses along her neck as she arched her back in pleasure. Her chest rose and fell at an alarming rate, making Roscoe turn his attention from her neck to her swelling breast.

He buried his face in them, kissing the exposed flesh that he could get to. He had spent years masturbating to thoughts of having sex with Ella and he was finally going to be having the real thing.

Unable to wait any longer, Roscoe stood from his place on the bed and set Ella down. His hands worked tirelessly to rid himself of the tuxedo he was wearing. He needed to be inside Ella, to make her cry his name out in ecstasy and feel her walls constrict around his throbbing member.

Once he had finished stripping, he reached into his tuxedo and took out a Trojan condom. He carefully slipped it on, making sure that it hadn’t broken and that everything was perfectly covered, because although he cared for Ella, he wasn’t in the mood to become a young father.

Ella sat on the edge of the bed, watching as he placed the protection on. She began undressing herself, pulling off the long black dress before she unclasped her bra. She left her panties on; Roscoe needed something of hers to take off.

At the sight of Ella’s exposed chest, Roscoe’s mouth began to water. He quickly walked towards her, kneeling down in front of her so he could take her right nipple in his mouth and begin pleasuring her.

His lips eventually left her nipple as his hands began exploring her nude body. He began kissing the tender bit of flesh on the side of her neck, he knew that a hickey was out of the question, he always thought that hickey’s were tasteless but he wanted to mark her, to leave some imprint of his to show the world that he was her girl and so, he bit her.

His bite wasn’t hard, it was soft, just enough to make Ella shudder but he accompanied his bite with sliding a finger deep inside her, which served to make Ella buck her hip from shock.

“We need to get one thing clear,” said Ella hoarsely.

Roscoe kissed her neck as he muttered, “What is it?”

Ella fought back the urge to moan as his fingers pumped in and out of her. “I don’t love you.”

“Not yet, but you will.”

The pair soon lost themselves in savage fucking; Roscoe pounded deep within her, making her cry out in pleasure more times than she had ever before experienced while sober.

Early the next morning the pair awoke and drove over to Roscoe’s house where he gave Ella a pair of shorts and a tank top to wear. He offered to drive her home but Ella asked him to give her a lift to Denny’s.

When Ella arrived at Denny’s she found her friends waiting for her in the back booth that they always flocked to. She slowly made her way towards them, not really having the energy to speed to the back. .

“How were your nights?” asked Ella when she plopped down beside Riley.

“Good, but I don’t think they were as good as yours,” replied Riley with a smirk on his face.

“You cheeky bastard, I should slap you for that. Don’t you know that that’s not how you talk to a lady?”

“You’re not a lady though, you’re Ella,” he argued.

“True, now let’s order cuz I'm fucking hungry,” she muttered as she looked over the menu.

Usually when Ella says that she’s ‘hungry’ the guys make a sexual comment but that time they remained silent. Their silence unnerved Ella, making her put down her menu so she could deliver a questioning look.

“So is it true?” Aden broke the silence.

“Is what true?” she responded.

Aden did a strange eyebrow wiggle. “You know, Roscoe’s dick, we heard it was fucking massive so is that just gossip or?”

“He lives up to the reputation,” was her response.

“So are you going to keep seeing him? We think he’s a stand up guy, he really digs you and stuff.”

“I know,” Ella smiled softly. “He’s a really nice guy and . . . and I think that I'm going to keep seeing him, nothing serious though, I just want to see where things go with him.”

James sat on the steps of Gabriella’s house, he had spent the entire night waiting for her to come home but she hadn’t shown up. He knew where she was and he knew what she had been doing, knowing that she had been with another enraged him but it didn’t make him mad at her, it made him mad at himself.

If he had been a better boyfriend she wouldn’t have felt the need to break up with him and run off to prom with some punk ass greaser that thought he was the shit and could do whatever he wanted just because he had a big dick.

If he had been a better boyfriend then he would’ve been the one that she went to prom with, the one that got to dance the night away with her and the one that made sweet, sweet love to her in the early hours of the morning.

He stood up when he saw Gabriella walk in through the gates; she wasn’t wearing her clothes anymore. Instead she was wearing some of Rocoe’s clothes and he wanted to rip them off of her and cover her with his jacket.

“Did you have a nice night,” inquired James as he attempted to control his temper.

Ella cleared her throat. “It was alright. I got prom queen.”

“Congratulations,” he replied.

They stood there in silence, the twenty two year old man staring at his eighteen year old girlfriend as he wracked his mind to find the right words to apologize to her.

“What are you doing here James? I doubt you came to ask me how my night went.”

“I didn’t. I actually came back here after I saw you kissing Roscoe back at the Prom, hoping that you wouldn’t go back to his place with him but judging by how your dress I know that you went to his place and had some fun with him. Didn’t you?”

“I did, not like it matters to you though I’m not your girlfriend anymore,” she curtly replied.

He moved closer to her. “How did it feel to have someone else fucking you?”

“It was different,” she looked at his reaction before adding, “He’s a lot bigger.”

At those words James lost his cool, he kicked over the potted plants that adorned the pathway into her house and grabbed fistfuls of his long unkempt and most likely dirty hair.

James looked at her with wild eyes. “Are you trying to kill me Snow White?! Are you trying to give me a fucking heart attack?”

“No, but you asked me how it was I had to answer you honestly didn’t I?”

“Why did you sleep with him,” inquired James needing to hear her answer.

Gabriella fought back the tears that were forming in her eyes and responded, “Why do you feel the need to bring up our dead baby every time we get in a fight?”

James knew why he always brought the baby up it was because he was angry with Ella for not having told him of their child’s existence until he was too late.

What made him even angrier was the fact that after the miscarriage took place they didn’t have a chance to talk about the baby because they were both trying to fight off their addictions to heroin.

James need closure, but he felt that it would make him seem like a little bitch if he said that because men don’t need closure men are always alright. They pick up the pieces and keep on walking.

“I’m not going to waste my time talking to you, I don’t need to stand here and have you try and make me feel like a cheap whore and a heartless bitch.”

James grabbed her arm as she made her way past him, “I’m not here to do any of that. I just wanted to apologize for not going to prom with you. I knew it was important to you but it just seemed so stupid and superficial to me but I should’ve gone to support you. I love you Snow White, I always will.”

“You can’t just show up and say you’re sorry and that you love me whenever you fuck up. I don’t know if you really love me or if you’re just with me because you feel like it.”

“Snow White you’re my bird, you know I love you.”

Gabriella shook free from his grasp and said, “You say that you love me all the time, but you never really show me that you love me.”

“What do you want me to do? How do you want me to show you that I love you,” pleaded a wild eyed James.

With the most serious look her face had ever worn, Gabriella responded, “You have to figure that out for yourself. Now if you excuse me I have to let my family know that I got queen.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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