Sequel: Time To Go
Status: completed.

What's Up Lonely?

just cause you're right, that doesn't mean i'm wrong


Christofer’s P.O.V.

Nervous: –adjective 1. Highly excitable; unnaturally or acutely uneasy or apprehensive

After showering I quickly checked how much time I had left to get ready. Alright, it’s only five-thirty, I had thirty minutes left. I slipped on a pair of skinny jeans and pulled on a button up long sleeve dress shirt. I was trying to look really nice, but the skinny jeans and flip flops kind of throw it off. I don’t usually wear shoes and don’t own a pair of good pants besides skinny jeans. I sighed, this was going to be hard. I looked in the mirror and towel dried my hair and then brushed it to make it look somewhat normal. Then I removed my lip ring and contemplated on whether or not to take my gauges out. If I did, I could cover up the holes with my hair, if I didn’t there’s a chance I’ll just swish my hair to the side and bam, there they are. Well, I still have to show a little bit of myself right? I decided to keep them in.

Soon, when I was freshened up, smelled good, and seemed presentable, I got in my van and drove to pick up Kadee Mae. When I drove up, the parking lot was empty, which was quite different from all the other countless times I’ve pulled up here. Just a month or so ago, I was trying to find a stupid parking spot to drag Annie’s drunk ass up these steps. Speak of the devil, when I knocked and the door opened up, I was greeted by her smirking face. “Hmm, hey Chris,” she smiled seductively at me. You know, she’d be such a beautiful girl if she didn’t try to get laid every second. I gave her a nice smile. “You clean up good,” Annie said wistfully.

“Hi Annie, and thank you, I tried.” I nodded. I try not to say too much to her because according to Kadee Mae, she get’s led on easily and she thought that me coming over here every day was to see her bright and shining face. Which I guess was a legitimate excuse for me to use at first. Who would have thought that me coming over here so much, to “check on Annie” and “bug Kadee” would get me where I am right now. “Is Kadee almost ready?” I asked.

“I guess so, I don’t know.” She shrugged. “Kadee, get our here, Chris is here.” She wandered away into the back where her room was and I just stood there playing with my fingers, slightly nervous. Kadee Mae finally descended from the bathroom and I felt my stomach turn. She was wearing a spaghetti strap dress that had thick strips of purple, grey, and gold on it. Usually, if Kadee Mae wore dresses, from what I noticed, she would wear leggings or something, but she was all skin tonight, and in a non-sexual way I felt a warmness inside. She was beautiful and all mine.

“Happy Birthday babe,” I smiled as she approached me and I put a hand lightly on her waist as she pressed up for a light kiss. “Are you ready to go?” I asked nonchalantly even though on the inside I was feeling a bit topsy turvy. She nodded excitedly and put on a pair of black flats to complete her outfit and we were out. She clung to my arm as we walked down the stairs and I led her to the parking lot. I opened the door for her and she smirked at me.

“We’re just going all out tonight huh?” I knew she was kidding, but she was right. I was being a bit unusual. But in reality, I should be opening car doors for her all the time and stuff, but I guess I just forget. I don’t know. We drove and it was silent for a bit besides the distant sound of thumping coming from my crappy stereo system. “What are you thinking about Christofer?” Kadee said and I let out a sigh, not realizing I was holding my breath. Kadee was the only one that called me Christofer. All my friends and people that know me well enough, sometimes even fans, call me just Chris. But Kadee claims that she loves to just say Christofer, and personally I don’t protest. I love the way my name rolls off her tongue and wraps around her voice like a song. It’s perfect, even when she’s mad. I smiled to myself.

“You.” I said shortly and truthfully. She looked at me, and then looked back out the window, a smile playing on her lips. “I just think of how ridiculous it is that I happened to stumble across a drunken girl who could even stand up that just so happened to lead me to you. The chances, I don’t even know.” I said to her sweetly, giving her enough to think about the rest of the ride. I don’t get it really. I say things, that usually charm girls and make them all smiley, but with Kadee, it either makes her blush, or puts her into a deep thought. Which is majority of the time. What is there to think about? I just complimented you and you have to think about it? I don’t know, but it’s cute to watch her space out.

“It’s right up here,” she said pointing out a house. I pulled up in the drive way next to a rental car and did a few deep breathing techniques. “What are you so nervous about love?” I didn’t realize Kadee and I were still in the car just sitting there. I looked at her and there was a worried look on her face. “They’re not gonna hurt you. Maybe tease a bit, but they won’t bite, much.” She smiled. The they Kadee was referring to was her Dad, older brother, and his wife and kid in which we were about to have a birthday celebration dinner with. This was the first time I was brought home to “meet the family”. Well, not the first, but the first serious relationship that I actually cared about. And boy, was I freaking out.

I was just about to step out of the car when I remembered something. “Oh, wait.” I said quickly and got out and went to the back seat. It was messy back here but I pushed through a few things and found the small bag. I scrambled over to her side, in which she has already gotten out and was leaning against the car very confused. “Happy Birthday, again,” I laughed nervously and handed her the small baggie. She took it from my hands smiling and I watched as she set it on the hood of the van and pulled out a few strips of the colored paper I put in there. She peeked into the bag and then pulled out the gift. She sighed at me when she saw that there was still a bit more unwrapping to do, but she did it patiently. Kadee tore the paper off and held the bracelet in her hand. It was a thick white bracelet with sky blue writing etched into it. “I know it looks cheap and rubber but, it’s almost as if it was a piece of me to you.” I said mumbling my words.

“Thank you,” she said and when I looked up I noticed she already had it on. “I like it.” Kadee looked down at it and played with it between her fingers. “Your biggest fan,” she read off the bracelet and smiled back up at me, letting out a small giggle. “So am I your biggest fan, or are you mine?” She joked.

“I’m yours.” I said smiling widely to the fact that she liked it.

“Oh, tell me something I don’t know.” She chuckled and smiled. That smile, it was so…breath-taking. I took a step closer and she completed my thought and stepped into my arms for a warm hug.

“You don’t know how much you mean to me. You don’t know that with everything going on in my life, I am willing, wanting, to drop it all to be with you.” I answered her rhetorical question through whispers into her ear. I felt her grip on me loosen and I got scared that I said something wrong now. But she just pulled back and smiled at me, her eyes big and looking at me innocently as if she was about to cry. I ducked down to her and gave her a kiss but she put more into it, making the kiss deeper. Like I said before, these moments for me are warming, but in non-sexual ways. I just love the touch of her lips in mine and our skin just grazing each others with no harm behind it.

“Now, you’re my everything.” She smiled at me and put her hand in mind. I took another deep breath as she led me up the stairs of her porch and to the front door. She knocked once and we heard a deep voice saying the door was unlocked. Kadee turned to me and gave me a quick peck on the lips. “Breathe babe, your no good to me dead.” I tried to give an easy laugh, but it sounded more like a forcing whine. Alright, let’s meet the family.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kadee's dress. can you imagine Christofer dressed up? hah i can. And you're biggest fan is my ultimate FAV. song! which one of his are yours?

so guys...i have some news, and you're gonna hate me.
this is it. this is the final chapter.
Go Ahead comment on how much you hate me(:

but this cut off ending in Christofer's POV is just a little taste of the sequel. (which i don't know if you will know when i put my sequel up like a notification or something. leave a comment if you know how that works.)

And i'm already working on the sequel. So thank you to all my readers, subscribers, and the ones who left comments enough that made me want to finish this and make an additional sequel. I love you guys.!(:

but this is just beginning(:<3

P.S. today is June 5th, weeks after i put this chapter up. the sequel to this is up...NOW(: