My Fantasy December

Laina Park.
Happy, Energetic, Enthusiastic. Has a band.
Now cross the first 3 out.Happy, Energetic, Enthusiastic.
There you go.

Laina has a life something close to perfect, but one unexpected turn changes all of that, and turns her entire life around into something she would never have imagined.

Soon after the event, Laina is somewhat granted another chance at getting her life back to where it was before, on a journey that she and her friends will go to that changes them forever, full of secrets, suspense and adventure they won't ever forget.

And even if she doesn't know it, this journey will make her stronger than she's ever imagined.

Note: Yes, this is an MCR fanfic, they come around chapter 12 or something and are here to stay till the end. ^^
  1. Falling Fantasies
    Comments would be nice ^^
  2. An Unexpected Turn
    Dramaaa ^^ Please comment O.o
  3. Gone
  4. Starts With Goodbye
    Please comment 'n' suscribe! ^_^
  5. A Letter
  6. Two Words to Change a Life
  7. Making a Descicion
    Keep the comments coming people!
  8. Tricks, Laughs and Choices
  9. A Sleepless Night
  10. Landing
  11. Commotion
  12. A Different Kind of Hotel Escort
  13. Room 526.
  14. A Call From Dad.
    Please Comment people!
  15. Another Room to Gape At.
  16. And The Pain Comes Back.
    -My Favorite Number- I will make this chappie really nice! -That is my goal-
  17. Sooth me with your voice...
  18. Fun at the Breakfast Buffet
  19. Let's talk Business