My Fantasy December

Fun at the Breakfast Buffet

The sun's bright light shone through the glass windows of my room. I guess I finally managed to get to sleep. I glanced around the cool room, wind danced around it repeatedly. No one was here. Then my eyes caught sight of a small note placed on top of my pillow.

Good Morning Sleepyhead!
Due to your deep sleeping, we have gone down to the breakfast buffet already and have left you here, we'll bring up a piece of broccoli or so when we're finished. FINE, Gerard. Please come down as soon as possible.

Whatever, Whatever
_______________Frank :p

I jumped down from my bed and hurried over to my closet, I grabbed some jeans and a black top and hurriedly took a shower, in a few minutes, I was ready.

I exited the elevator doors to be welcomed by the cool lobby air, I took a quick glance outside. It was still snowing, it seemed as if the entire of outside was blanketed with white.

"Excuse me," I asked tapping the shoulder of one of the hotel workers, "Would you point me in the direction of the breakfast buffet?"

She silently pointed to the right, but just as I was about to walk towards the long corridor, a strange thing happened.

"Help," a whiper came from behind me, "Please,"

I turned my head, startled, but she had vanished.

I shrugged, I guess I was hearing things again, my mind was easily taken off the topic when I noticed a large glass screen door leading outside. Due to my curiousity, I peeked outside of it.

Outside, was the biggest pool I've ever seen my entire life, ever. I'll have to swim there before the end of December.

Before long, the wonderful smell of the breakfast buffet was climbing up my nose, I couldn't hold it any longer.I ran as fast as I could towards the breakfats buffet, and before long, I was able to spot MCR and my band mates.

Frank was the first ot see me, a big grin spread across his face, as he waved enthusiastically. I managed a smile back, and waved as well.

Gerard and the rest noticed Frank, and spotted me instantly, smiles spread across their faces as well as Falling Fantasies.

"So I guess you did wake up, Puppet," Frank said, happiness filling his voice, I could tell he was in a spectacular mood today.

"You owe me 5 bucks, Frank," Mikey stated, givign a smug grin.

"You mean you were serious!?" Frank spat.

"About what?" I asked confused.

"They made a bet that you wouldn't come down before we finished breakfast, Mikey guessed correctly," Kay said for them.

Frank stuck his tongue out playfully.

"Why don't I just pay you in Skittles?" he asked, pouting.

"Tell you what," Mikey said, "Why don't you just get me more coffee?" He suggested, handing his coffee cup over to Frank.

"Fine," Frank mumbled, grabbing me, "You need to come with me, you're the reason I have to do this," he said winking.

I chuckled, "I need to get my breakfast, anyway," I replied.

"So what do you want?" Frank asked.

"I dont know," I said shrugging, "I don't usually eat in these kinds of places," I sighed.

"I'll show you a traditional Iero Buffet prank," He said, an evil grin spreading his face, "Follow me,"

He tugged me over to the place where they were cooking omelettes.

"Excuse Me Sir," Frank said, trying to sound polite, "But our boss wants me to try this out, you can take a break," he winked at me.

The cook looked more relieved than ever to take a break, so he took of his apron, handed it to Frank and was out of there. Frank filed into the kitchen in his place.

The first victim came.

"Hello Ms," Frank said, once agin attempting to sound polite, "What omelette would you like?"

"Cheese and Tomatoes," she replied, stiffly, she looked like one of those stuck up brats, only an adult version. This will be interesting.

"Sit down and We'll have it delivered to you," Frank told her, gesturing for her to leave.

She nodded, then made her way over to her table.

I watched Frank as he cooked, he was...mixing it up. He put in lots and lots of salt, some mustard, salad dressing, and bread crumbs. After a few minutes, it was finished.

"This will taste absolutely revolting," he said, setting it aside, chuckling, "Wait here."

In a couple minutes he came back with the real waiter, explaining something to him, I don't know what.

The waiter only nodded then grabbed the plate with the omelette and headed in the direction of the girl's table.

Frank beckoned me to follow him towards the table, as well.

We watched from behind a pillar what was going on.

She was tasing it and..and...

She spit it out all over the cook's clothes!

Frank and I burst out in humungous bursts of laughter.

She angrily argued at the cook, then stormed off into a small door. In a few seconds, she came out with someone...the boss.

We watched and laughed as the 3 of them burst into loud arguements, it was absolutely hilarious.

This day had started out perfectly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please comment and tell me how you like it. If you think it's not very well written, I'm sorry, the original update was lost so I got kind of lazy to do this one. Hope you like it, though. X)