The Girl With the Black Book


People say when you look at Bambi Rose, she's always shy and quiet and barely talks to anybody. All she does is draw in her little black book. Nobody knows what's inside it. But when people 'accidentally' find the book, it's just blank pages, each and every one of those pages pale and soft, but could never find what the meaning of the blank pages mean. People found out that Rose was just a middle name, and that Bambi was just dull and boring, but with Bambi Rose, she sounded extraordinary. Some people call her Bambi, while others called her Bambi Rose.

Bambi Rose may be well known at Hogwarts, more known than the 'Boy Who Lived'. But alas, she has no friends. Bambi Rose choose to not have friends. She choose to sit up front in every class, but never have her hand risen at all, only when she knows the answer. Her siblings wonder what goes on in her head as she makes those 'stupid' little drawings in her black book that not even her siblings can see. Only Bambi Rose can see the drawings, and only she can choose who may look at them.

Bambi Rose belonged in Ravenclaw. She was smart and creative. When she told her parents, they were very displease with her. Her parents wanted her to be in Gryffindor, much like her older brothers and sisters. Her parents always thought Bambi Rose was strange. She never cried when she was born in St. Mungo's. Instead, all she did was breathe through her nose like nothing has ever happened. Her father decided to name her Bambi, as it means child, and her name shall be Rose, meaning flower. Her mother didn't want to name her Rose Bambi, as she thought it didn't sound right. So, she was known as Bambi Rose Swan.

Everybody thought she was loony, more loony that Luna Lovegood. Bambi Rose was in the same year as the Golden Trio, but she was always kept to herself.

People always wondered what her little black book contained, even her sibling wanted to know. But whenever anybody tries to get access to her book without choosing the person to find it, the person gets zapped with a scar on their head that reads 'snoop' or 'sneak'. Bambi Rose made the charm on their own, making her evil and smart enough to even make a spell like that on her own.

Her personality is what people are really confused about. Whenever the students of Hogwarts ask Bambi Rose's siblings about her, they always tell her that she's outspoken and isn't afraid to speak her mind, while at Hogwarts, she's intimidated and quiet in her classes, never eager to raise her hand or shout out the answer like she always does at home. Another thing that confuses even her siblings is that she's friendly and outgoing, not shy and soft like she is at home.

What people always realized about Bambi Rose is her looks. She has soft, pale skin that people adore, but not sickly pale, but beautiful pale. She had soft burgundy brown hair that reached to her back, making it really beautiful in the sun light. Her eyes were a soft pale green, making them match her hair. Her eyes weren't big like some girls, but they weren't small either. Her lips are pale and pink, making every boy try and kiss her, which doesn't happen for Bambi Rose. She likes to make her first kiss special. Freckles had swarm all over her eyes, nose, and cheeks, making her very loving and very beautiful in the boys eyes. Her height is average for a second year. Bambi Rose was five feet, and she always states that she will stay that size until the day she dies.

Bambi Rose was abnormal in her parents eyes, completely different in her siblings eyes, and loony, but a popular girl in her students eyes.

This is not about the Golden Trio.

This is not about Harry Potter.

This is about the girl who always has her little black book.

This is the story how one girl changed the lives of millions just from that little black book.
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Bambi Rose Swan

So... whaddya think?