The Girl With the Black Book


Bambi Rose stepped through the Care of Magical Creatures classroom, when she noticed she was the only Ravenclaw there right now. She thought it didn't matter. She enjoyed being with the Gryffindors and Slytherins, as nice change of colors.

"What's my sister doing here?" Terran whispered to his friends.

"Terran! This is not the time nor place. Your sister is here whether or not you like it," Hermione hissed at him.

Terran just rolled his eyes. He just hopes that his little sister doesn't embarrass herself or him in front of the Slytherins. They were all waiting patiently for their professor, who finally came out of his hut. Bambi Rose smiled. Hagrid was the only friend she had on the Hogwarts grounds, other than Vormund. Bambi Rose can relate to him.

Hagrid told the class to follow him into the Forbidden Forest, to everybody's dismay. Nobody wanted to go into the Forbidden Forest, except for Bambi Rose. She loved the creatures that hid behind them. They all stopped in a small circle, everybody not exactly sure what's going on. When Hagrid told everybody to open their books, Draco made a smart comment.

"How do we open our books?" Draco asked.

Everybody held up their copy of The Monster Book of Monsters, which they were all bound shut with a tight leather rope. Hagrid asked if anybody has ever tried to open it. The only person who raised their hand was Bambi Rose. Everybody looked at her weirdly. Another thing to add for her weirdness. Terran just buried his head in his hands.

"Righ'. So, Miss Swan, will ye tell us how ye got ter open yer book?" Hagrid asked her.

"You stroke the spine, of course. Any moron would have discovered that," Bambi Rose answered.

"Are you calling us stupid?" Draco asked.

"I'm calling you a moron. Some people have this thing that's called common sense," Bambi Rose retorted.

After that incident, Hagrid went to get the creatures. Bambi Rose stood on her tippy toes to try to get a glimpse of the creature.

"Of course the nutter would answer that question correctly," Draco told his friends, who just laugh with him.

Bambi Rose ignored the taunts and kept looking through the trees. Hagrid came back, but with a dozen bizarre creatures. It's body has a horse body, legs, tail, but the front legs and head seemed to be giant eagles, with cruel, steel colored beaks and large, brilliantly orange eyes. The talons on their front legs were half a foot long and deadly looking. Each creature has a thick leather collar around its neck, which was attached to a long chain, and the ends of all these were held in the vast hands of Hagrid, who came jogging into the paddock behind the creatures. Bambi Rose thought they were beautiful.

Hagrid called them Hippogriffs. He told the class that they could get closer, which Bambi Rose did. She looked through the fence. All she did was smile. She loved the beautiful creature. Hagrid told them that the hippogriffs are very proud creatures, and to not offend them. Bambi Rose made a mental note of that. Hagrid then told them how to to introduce yourself to the hippogriff. He asked who would like to go first, and Bambi Rose was the only one who raised their hand. Hagrid let her go first.

Bambi Rose jumped over the paddock fence and went right next to Hagrid. He let one of them go, calling him Buckbeak. Hagrid started giving her instructions about how to approach the hippogriff. Bambi Rose made mental notes inside her head about the approaching of the beautiful creature.

"I will not hurt you," one of them told her.

Bambi Rose smiled. She stepped forward slowly. She bowed down slowly and gracefully. Buckbeak bowed down to her. Bambi Rose stood straight up and walked very closely and slowly toward him, making her right arm stretched out. Buckbeak let his head rest in her hand. She started petting him and telling him soothing words. Everybody clapped for her.

"I reckon he might' let yeh ride him," Hagrid told her.

Bambi Rose froze. She never exactly liked heights a lot, and flying was one of them. The only time she was ever on a broom was first year, and she was terrified and never went on one again. Hagrid obviously saw the look in her eyes and asked for volunteers. Harry was the only one to volunteer.

"Why won't he let her go on by herself?" Terran asked Hermione and Ron.

"Maybe she wants somebody for support? I don't know your sister," Ron told her.

Harry did the exact same thing as Bambi Rose, except he kept blinking. He stopped after Hagrid told him not to blink too much. Harry did a fantastic job. Hagrid lifted Harry onto the hippogriff and then lifted Bambi Rose on the creature. The first thing that she did was clutch onto his waist very tightly. Bambi Rose didn't let go. Not even when she went up into the air. All she did was close her eyes. She didn't exactly wanted to look down. She was scared. She felt something hit the bottom. She looked down and saw land. Bambi Rose slowly got off of Buckbeak.

"Not so fond of heights?" Buckbeak asked.

"Not even the slightest," she told him quietly.

"What? Harry asked.

Bambi Rose just shook her head and went to grab her bag. Hagrid untied the other hippogriffs and let them free. The other students climbed over the paddock and went to each hippogriff. Bambi Rose liked Buckbeak the best. He seemed tamable. Draco Malfoy, however, insulted him.

"You dare insult me?" Buckbeak asked with anger dripping from his voice.

"Buckbeak! Down boy," Bambi Rose commanded.

He did, after he scratched Malfoy. Draco laid on the ground, whining about him dying and such. Hagrid picked him up and carried him to the Hospital Wing. Pansy was screeching that he should be fired.

"Of course you would say that. You would protect that little bloody Slytherin. All he ever does is whine and cry to his daddy," Bambi Rose retorted.

"Nobody asked for your opinion, you little freak. All you ever do is draw absolutely nothing in that stupid black book of yours," Pansy screeched.

"Apparently she doesn't know manners either," Buckbeak said.

Bambi Rose ignored Pansy's comment and returned to petting Buckbeak and saying soothing words to calm him down.


Bambi Rose brought out her black book and began drawing. She drew a girl, her head buried in her hands. The girl wore a long, strapless midnight blue dress. Bambi Rose smiled a little. in little words in the corner so nobody can read, it said 'I can feel my soul crying, as if I have never cried before. Please. Make this stop.' Bambi Rose knows what that felt, and she wishes it to stop, also.
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To iEntertainBae: Just keep reading. It'll happen. Don't worry.

Some of these belong to J.K. So props to her and her book! This is the picture she drew x. Just ignore the writing. I'm actually reading this book right now.

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