The Girl With the Black Book


Bambi Rose visited Hagrid when he came back. Her back was still healing on it's own. She knocked on his door and Hagrid answered the door, being greeted by Bambi Rose.

"Rose! I haven't seen yeh since last year. Come in," he told her.

She smiled. She entered the very cozy cabin and sat down on one of Hagrid's soft, cozy chairs. She was asking Hagrid questions, as Hagrid was doing the same. He asked her about her parents. Hagrid and Vormund were the only people that actually know what's going on at home, and Dumbledore. She once confessed on why she doesn't want to go home. Dumbledore told her that it wasn't in his power to tell the Ministry anything about what her mother and father are doing, as her father is is well respected at the Ministry and is very high ranked.

After their conversation and drinks, Bambi Rose thought it was time for her to go. She gave Hagrid a quick hug, in which Hagrid gave her a very friendly hug, but not too hard, and left his cabin. She walked into the castle and sat down in an empty corridor. She could feel something wet on her back, and knew that one of her scabs has been opened. She couldn't see Madam Pomfrey. She'll inform her parents, and abuse her more. She knows this because the only reason why she was even whipped was because the nurse told her parents and the bruise on her eye. Her parents told her that she'll heal on her own, and will be beaten even harder than before, if it's possible.


Harry warned everybody not to accept Umbridge's drinks, no matter how tempting it is. Bambi Rose was called up for one of them. Umbridge lead her down a floor and into her office. Bambi Rose doesn't exactly like the room. It was pink and covered with plates of different kittens. She gave a shudder. Sure, she loves cats than the next person, but it was just ridiculous.

“Sit down,” she said, pouring tea for each of them in pink cups. “You drink tea?”

“Not really,” she replied nervously. Umbridge gave her a cup of tea anyway.

“Drink up dear,” she insisted. She remembered what Harry had said.

She took the tea cup and pretended to take a sip.

Umbridge then said, “Well Bambi, how is school going? Good marks in all classes?”

“Yes. I'm still working hard to achieve my goals in my classes,” she said, looking at her suspiciously.

“Now, you haven’t noticed any suspicious activities going on?” Umbridge asked, using one of her sickening smiles.

"No, professor," she answered.

Umbridge looked displeased, but said, “Thank you Miss Swan. Good day.”

Bambi Rose nodded her head and left her office. She didn't want to be near the blinding pink or the very furry kittens. She just couldn't stand any of that right now. She walked away from the DADA classroom and started walking to her next class, which happened to be Care of Magical Creatures. She was glad that Hagrid was back. She missed him. She missed her friend very much.


She walked with the other Gryffindors and Slytherins. She stood farther away from everybody else and was at the front of the class. She enjoyed a bit of fresh air from time to time. She noticed Umbridge was standing with the students.

"We're workin' in here today!" Hagrid called out. "But more sheltered! Anyway, they prefer the dark..."

Bambi Rose heard Draco saying something, but she couldn't hear him since she was farther away from him. He started explaining what was going to happen when Draco said something.

"And you're sure they're trained, are you?" said Malfoy, the panic in his voice even more pronounced. "Only it wouldn't be the first time you'd brought wild stuff to class, would it?"

"'Course they're trained," Hagrid told him.

'What happened to your face, then?' demanded Malfoy.

"That's none of your damn business, Draco. You shouldn't be butting into other people's life story, you know," Bambi Rose told him.

Hagrid lead everybody near the darkest place in the forbidden forest and started calling out to the creatures. Then, the thestrals appeared. She noticed one of her good friends, and they all noticed her, too. Hagrid told everybody if they could see them, raise their hand. Bambi Rose was one of them. She was enjoying it, until someone, again, interrupted.

"Excuse me," said Malfoy in a sneering voice, "but what exactly are we supposed to be seeing?"

Hagrid threw the dead meat on the ground and some thestrals started nipping at it. Some students stared in shock. Parvati told Hagrid that they're really unlucky if anybody sees them. She just rolled her eyes.

"Righ', now who can tell me why some o' you can see them and some can't?" Hagrid asked.

Hermione and Bambi Rose were the only ones to have their hands up.

"They can only be seen by people who have seen death," Hermione and Bambi Rose said at the same time.

"Excellent. Ten points to Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. Now," Hagrid started off.

Umbridge so rudely interrupted his class. She liked to go one day without any interruptions. She was busy making Hagrid look like a fool. Bambi Rose could feel her blood start to boil. She doesn't want Umbridge to take away her favorite teacher and friend. She ignored everything that was going on and continued paying attention to Hagrid. She felt Umbridge in her presence.

"Excuse me, dear, but can you see them?" she asked her.

"Yes I can. I saw my aunt die," she told her.

"Yes, and hat do you think of them?" Umbridge asked her.

"They're intimidating creatures. I found them to be quite beautiful," she told her.

Umbridge left it at that and moved to the next student. Terran looked at his sister and sighed. He noticed some sort of red liquid traveling down her back. Bambi Rose bit her lip. She was glad that the class ended and ran out of the forest and into her Ravenclaw dormitories. She took off her shirt and saw the marks. Four scabs opened by itself. She wondered what her mother used to be able to even do this.

Silent tears fell from her eyes. She just wanted this to end. She decided not to go to her other classes right now and curled herself up in a tight ball, crying herself to sleep.
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This is from QuietChick.
This is what I found.
kelink asked a very important question. The only reason why Terran doesn't tell anybody is because Bambi Rose asked him to. Even if he told somebody, they wouldn't believe him. Bambi Rose also told him to not show anybody her memories because she doesn't want people to see what's happening at home. More will be explained in the story. Hope this makes sense.