The Girl With the Black Book


Two weeks Bambi Rose has been in the manor, and in those two weeks were hell for her. Her mother has been torturing her ever since then, making seem like home was only a slight problem. She was tracing all of her scars, each on from her mother. She sometimes cried to herself late at night, wishing to be back home. She spotted a bird, a bird that resembles someone she knows. She knew immediately who it was.

"Vormund!" She whispered to her feather friend.

"Rose! I knew you would be here, of all places," he said.

She grabbed hold of the book and told him to take the book to the last person to ever receive it. Vormund flew away into the darkness with the black book. She heard someone coming. She went back to her usual position against the wall.

"Bambi!" she heard someone whisper. She knew the voice instantly.

She looked up and anger swept across from her, and also sadness.

"What do you want?" she asked him.

Draco bent down to her level on the other side of the bars.

"I only said that because I didn't want you to get hurt," he told her.

"Too late," she said dryly.

"If the Dark Lord knew we would fall in love, he would kill you," Draco said.

"Than why couldn't you have said that instead of breaking my heart?" she asked him.

"Because it was too late. I couldn't do anything. You have to trust me when I saw this, please," he begged.

She just stared at him. Bambi Rose was on her knees, touching his hands. She pressed his forehead against hers.

"I trust you. But next time, try telling me sooner," she said.


Vormund found their tents. He can see through invisibility, and he uses it a lot. He swooped down toward the tent, hearing their conversation. He flew in and set the book on Harry's lap.

"Ah, Mr. Harry Potter. We speak at last," Vormund spoke.

They all froze.

"You can talk?" Terran asked.

"Yes, but only to those who are loyal to me. Bambi Rose is one of them," Vormund stated.

Terran just stared at him.

"Why can you talk now?" Hermione asked.

"Because Bambi Rose told me to, and to tell you about my history, the truth about the Swan family," Vormund stated.

"How's Bambi? Is she alright?" Terran asked.

"I'm afraid to say that she's trapped in the Malfoy Manor. Your mother is, in fact, a death eater," Vormund said.

Hermione gasped. Harry just shook his head.

"Tell us the history. Tell us everything you know about this book," Harry said.

"First, sign your name. Then, I'll tell you," Vormund ordered.

Harry signed his name on the back cover with the other names. The ink dried faster than he could say 'quidditch'. He closed the back cover and started flipping through pages. Some of them seemed that they were real, while others have already happened.

"The book is always filled with events that have happened before, while some are filled with things that they wish they have thought up. The book also has part of your soul. The book can do so much things that some doesn't even know it has happened," Vormund explained.

"So what your saying is that this book is a horcrux?" Harry asked.

"No. The book is not a horcrux. You see, many years ago, the book was made by the four founders of Hogwarts."

"My ancestor, Godric Gryffindor, made this book?" Terran asked.

"No. Your ancestor, Rowena Ravenclaw did."

"You mean, we're the heir of Ravenclaw, not Gryffindor?" Terran asked.

"Yes. It is a long story to tell, I'm afraid."

"I think we got time. Tell us the story," Hermione said.

"Alright. But prepare yourself. This story is not what your parents have told you," Vormund said.
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I just love giving people pictures. Makes me happy.
100 comments?! I have never gotten 100 comments before. I'm happy because you all have been reading this story since the beginning and it just makes me happy because of that. And the next chapter is the story of the Swan family history.